Reading Challenges for 2022!

Reading Challenges for 2022!

Happy 2022, everyone!!

The new year is upon us, and you know what that means… we have to settle for new challenges !! I did my 2021 wrap up earlier in december, though I didn’t created new challenges then because I still wanted to think about that- now’s the time to announce them!


Last year, I had only partake in Three challenges – i’m going for Five this year. Repeating on the three of last year, aswell as two more personal ones.



➔ Goodread Challenge; Reading 30 books 

I’m jumping from 20 to 30 books for the new year; which is my total books read in 2021, so i’m pretty confident that I can hit it again and it shall be a pretty relaxed goal.


#Beat the Backlist, hosted by NovelKnight ; half of the books read (15 books)

Going by the same logic than last year, i’m only aiming to have half of my readings to be backlisted books.. so I can have some wiggling space for the few new releases I might get to unknowingly. If I reach the 30 books read mark, this means atleast 15 books to be older releases.


Audiobook Challenge, hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer & That’s what i’m talking about ; Level 1, Newbie (1-5 books)

Again, i’m using the same level as I partaked in for 2021, but the catch is I wanna go beyond 2 this time.


➔ Equals reads in French & English 

This might be my last try before giving up entirely, as most of the books I picked from Quebec has been dissapointing me.. I however don’t wanna give up on reading in my native language, as it’s so much easier on my brain.

In december 2022, I would like to have read 15 books in french aswell as 15 books in english. *French translation of english books do count


➔ Read more of my “unusual genres”

In 2021, I did branched out to reading more Non-fiction on my own, so this year I wanna make it a goal. While there’s some genres that I can’t see myself exploring, like classics or historical, I would atleast love to expend onto reading more poetry, non-fiction & graphic novels.



Did you achieved your 2021 goals?
What goals did you take for 2022?


14 thoughts on “Reading Challenges for 2022!

  1. Happy New Year, and best of luck with your challenges!
    I love the idea of the audiobook one! I’ve only really got into audiobooks this past year, and for some reason can only seem to listen to non-fiction, but I’d definitely like to try and listen to more of them this year.

    1. Thank you, happy 2022!
      Yeees- before last year I had only listened to one before 😅 so it really pushes me onto expending and discover this media more. Somehow I haven’t tried any non-fiction audios yet, I might try this year!

  2. It’s been so long since I tried out a challenge so I’m glad to be finding posts like this. Definitely some great motivation to get reading! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good luck with your challenges! I participate in Mount TBR (books on my TBR) and the Historical challenge, as historical fiction us my fave genre.

  4. woot woot happy new year! best of luck on your 5 (!!!) reading challenges and increased goals 🍀 i hit all but one of my 2021 reading goals (a challenge that i’ve extended through this summer), but i’ve been in a bit of a reading slump so i’ve reduced the number of challenges i’m going for this year … at least for now 😅

    1. Thank you, Happy 2022! xx
      Well, all things considering, that’s still great success ! yeah ahah, start low and if anything you can always add some up later :p

    1. So sorry dear, you ended up in the spams! 😅

      Aw i hope you’ll achieve it this year; all that matters is that we do keep reading though ❤️ Thank you, i’ll check it out!

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