Reading VS over-working yourself..

Reading VS over-working yourself..

Good morning, people !

While many of us has been on lockdown.. I had been FAR from it 😓  My café didn’t even closed, as of which we are now picking up into getting busier now that the general lockdown has been prolonged so many times that people don’t really wanna stay home anymore.

To give you an idea, before this past week where the 10hrs shifts had come into works (39hrs had just been done), the four weeks prior had been 45hrs +.. one week going as high as 47hrs.


As you can probably guess, this had made my reading life a pain 🙊 I come home so exausted that I sometimes promptly fall asleep multiple times on the couch (cue my mother yelling at me because I wake up early for work and “you won’t be able to sleep if you nap!!”)

After the busiest of days, it may happens that I come home with my brain absolutely fried- which isn’t the best trying to read with that 😅 So I had started to get some more “easier” reads. First, I picked up «The thing about Jellyfish» which is a rated MG; I then went to try audio for the first time with «Geekerella», which actually turned out to work wonderfully!!


As I haven’t read in my “original language” in forever now.. I’ve been trying to read one. However, with all that i’m kinda stalling. Of all the unread ones on my shelf, nothing really “got to me”.. but as I was into the mood for a thriller-ish so I went back to one of my unread Guillaume Musso’s; an author I was IN LOVE with when I was in high school.. now being the second separate novel from him that I attempt where i’m not really there and end up not quite going anywhere.

I had been quite tempted to go back to reread one of my old favorites that I have since forgotten; but as I already started this one.. I kinda don’t really wanna drop it yet 😂



What do you do in theses circumstances?

Do you prefer to pick a format/genre in particular, or do you simply place pause in your reading and do something else instead?

2 thoughts on “Reading VS over-working yourself..

  1. Wow that’s crazy!! I hope you get to rest soon!! And I prefer to go with a quick and easy read when I don’t really feel like doing anything lol

    1. It is.. I know it’s not too too good for my health but at the same time I don’t wanna put them in more trouble than we are being thrown into 🙃

      Good news is that I am in the middle of my three days off, so I can get some things done.. ahah

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