Showing my new Ottergami journal; November & December spreads

Showing my new Ottergami journal; November & December spreads

Helloo !

I had just showed you my Oct/Sept spreads last month, but I was quite rushed to do the other two months on 2023 because I had an appt in November and I wanted to write it.. and then while I was started I figured I had to finish the year while I was there 😆 Love me being ahead!

My last 4 journals had been dotted Leutchtrums, but my problem with those was how thin the pages had been.. the ghosting was really bothering me! So my next one I picked a dotted Ottergami with 150gsm (the other might be 100?) so the pages are so much thicker, and I love it ! I can write pages back to back more comfortably.



The monthly pages always gives me trouble to get the calender right.. but I choosed to always keep the dates within it in pen, because I find it’s uglier with the markers as it’s bigger and illisible. Then my Blog plan will relatively stay the same aswell, using the stencil that came with it to create the boxes.

The only thing in my mind for November was Cosy, I didn’t really had a theme or anything in mind. I picked the purple & darker blue for this month. I kept it simple for the quote: “you are worth the effort. Remember that”

One major thing that was also bothering me was the need to flip the journal sideways to write my weekly.. the end of page gave me so much trouble to write inside the saturday box aswell. So I’m trying this new layout!

My fear now is that it’s not big enough, although it varies per weeks. I separated my spent/earnings on the side, as that was what took most of the space; I like to list out what I buy, insert my pays and all that- so ithink with that own little section for those, it should be okay. If anything there’s also plenty of room on the bottom to add things.




December is my birthday month, so that was the theme for this one! I picked a lighter blue and some kind of coral (?) color for this one – I also prepared my winter TBR on the left of the calender. Not sure if I’ll be more set on what TBR I wanna do then yet, but we’ll see!

I picked a quote from Weather girl: “And I wanted a hero who’d love her through her dark days, not despite them”. The weeklies in this case remains the same, as I haven’t tested it out yet, so no pictures.




How do you plan your weekly layouts?
Do the thickness of the pages matter to you? what do you use?

2 thoughts on “Showing my new Ottergami journal; November & December spreads

  1. The ottergami looks interesting. I’ve been looking into different bujo’s to figure out what I want for my neat years reading journal.

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