Sims 4 – Strangetown ☆ My impressions

Sims 4 – Strangetown ☆ My impressions


As you should know, i’m quite the sims addict ever since I’ve played the very first one when I was younger. I yet again splurged on a pack and then thought; “hey. Wait a second… why don’t I do reviews of thoses??” So here I am!

My last purchase has been the one that just came out not too too long ago; Strange Town!
I also own quite alot of them so.. If you’d wanna see my impressions on it, although I had them for a while, let me know !

I thought i’d skip the “create a new family” part and go straight up to move my existing one onto the new world and set up in a new house and modify it a bit…. that step ended up taking forever 😂  [way too much hours than i’d wanna admit *aherm*]

Here’s the outside of my renovated house.. I like to have mostly everything for the skills in the house “in case”, aswell as a green house.

and here’s the inside.. still quite too empty for me, but i’m just going with it at this point and leaving it as a work in progress.


After having peaked at the new furnitures and finally got the house good enough for me, I decided to started investigating. One of my sims is a scientific, so she was pinpoint the best option to investigate what was going wrong in that new town !
*As for some “special events” in the game, there’s a new aspiration “StrangeTown’s Mysteries” where you get all the steps to solve the mystery*

First, in order to access the locked door in the mysterious labratory we need an access key.. which can be obtained by either having a career of level 5+ in the new military option OR find 15 clues and create a folder that we can either give online, to the military, to the scientifics or lastly to the conspirationnals to be offered said key.

As I wanted to keep my scientific career, I went ahead and gain the 15 clues — which was a bit hard to be honest. I got up to 10, until it took me a while to figure how to get my 5 missing; However I realized some actions could’ve been done more than once and finally we got them all ! I decided to try the online option, and got the access key by the mailbox few hours later.

If you played the jungle pack, The mystery labratory is exactly like how the temples in that one worked; in the difference that you cannot do it all in one go, as you have to go and fetch some “help” after every task and new things that you discover. There’s also some strange things happening, like plants clogging toilets, showers and sinks – which I was kinda surprised to see 😂

I kinda like the new town with it’s “conspirational little shop” aswell as the clothing/hair it gives us.. however the plumbing’s vegetation problem gets tiring really quickly, and if your sim is working and all- it takes quite some time to solve the mystery; having multiples steps back and forth – which I still haven’t completed after playing it for ~3days real time..


Have you bought this one? Or are you interrested in it ?


29 thoughts on “Sims 4 – Strangetown ☆ My impressions

  1. Ah i love the Sims!
    Sims 3 is pretty my much my fave, and never managed to really get into 4 (tried it when it came out). But with all the expansions and stuff i might give it a go. I must say i think i didn’t like it cuz there were not kitties and weather, but not that there are… 😀

    1. Oooh!!! Probably.. i was such a fan of the supernatural pack!! And the map was just so nice how there was no loading screen… i tried to reload my 3s on my new mac but erm.. something went wrong somehow. Not sure if it was my bad or not xD

  2. I desperately want the Sims 4 since Sims 3 is a disaster when your computer has processing issues, but there are so many expansion packs that I’m apprehensive about getting it. Is Sims 4 better than 3?

    1. Well the graphics are so much better in my opinion! However I did liked the map better in the sims 3 as there was no loading screen BUT the 4 you can travel between worlds

  3. I’m a huge Sims fan too, but haven’t heard much about Strangetown since it’s been announced. Your post has made me really intrigued, I might see if there are any good Let’s Plays of it!

  4. I am a huge sims addict but I am very skeptical about Sims 4. Love playing it, but I cannot help but notice how many things it lacks. Regardless, I am super psyched about this new expansion pack! We definitely need more worlds and the whole mystery thing? Cannot wait to get more of that!

    1. only problem with me is it takes forever to solve.. AND vegetation keeps clogging my toilets so my sims cannot use it as you need to “manually” make them remove it ..
      I am excited to see what will happen after that point, though

  5. I’m pretty sure I bought Sim’s 4 last yr not long after it came out? But I got bored just setting up the house, because like you, I like to have a house with everything JUST IN CASE. But I was also trying to recreate what I want to build on my current property and that didn’t quite work lol. Do you recommend the extra packs? I’ve never really bothered with them before but I do tend to get bored if I don’t have stuff to do….

    1. Of course !
      Maybe not this one.. but i’d recommend the Pets one; as you can own a vet!! then I personally quite love seasons and get to work which allows us to PARTICIPATE when they go work.

  6. This post just made me realize how badly I want to play Sims NOW! I’m really gonna get the game now and just start playing, no kidding <3

  7. I downloaded Strange Town the other day, but then got distracted with one of my families and forgot about the new township to explore, and the mystery. I will have to check it out properly tomorrow!!

  8. This game literally got me back into the Sims, lol. I was so shocked when the plants kept creeping up all the water pipes! It was such a fun and creepy feature. The only part I didn’t like was how truly small the world is in terms of interactivity. Most of the places you can’t really interact with. I expected a bit of a larger world, but I love it all the same! I plan to stay in Strangerville a while longer even though I have completed the main story line. (:

    1. Same! Though it’s pretty annoying now to have all my three bathrooms clogged constantly xD

      Yes! I agree.. there wasn’t much — im close to beating it but I haven’t yet! Ithink the « pets » worlds is my favorite (though ive mostly seen all the house lots by now.. 🙈)

      1. Yes!! My Sims would get so mad and it took forever to unclog them. I haven’t visited the pets world yet (I have it so I really should). Will have to do so soon!

        1. I don’t know what is it specially about it, but i’ve been playing in that world only for MONTHS (I also play only one family a time until I get bored and don’t play them again xD)

          1. I need to give it a go soon then! I play one family at a time too until I either get bored or run out of little story scenarios in my head for them to do, lol. Then I create a new family.

  9. I played one SIMS game, and then SIM CITY on my phone – but I know if I start FOR REAL I will get stuck and I just CAN’T hahaha

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