Sims 4; University ☆ My first impressions

Good Morning!

I don’t know about you guys, but I was hyped for this one ever since the news dropped!! Although both University and Pokemon Sword & Shield dropped on the same day, I only picked up this one for now — as it was what I wanted to play the most currently 😅

**All screenshots come from my own gameplay


I actually had to go back and take one of my pré-existant young adult sims – as I totally snapped out that I could actually post about this and I didn’t took any screenshot beforehand, woops! ahah, but contrary of my brand new sim; my pré-existant one actually had skills (rather than a totally “clean” one), so this sims was able to get onto a « better degree ».

This is the screen you get after applying for university. You have a drop down of all the degrees on the left side, with the « Better ones » you’ve been qualified for being in a golden frame. What I really like about this is that you can choose how many course you wanna take – between 1 & 4; If you choose less than 4, you get the option to add an additional course un-related to said degree you picked (Needing 9 credits to graduate – unrelated don’t count *ithink*)


While applying for going to university, you can apply for a scolarship aswell! Now you usually have one targetted on which world your sims live in, aswell as if they’re in a “not so rich” household.. and then you can have a few related to your skills. Mine here had one because she had some levels of the veterinary skill.

Being really realistic, you can choose to get a loan aswell if you don’t wanna pay with your household funds for it 😂 you can then repay it on the mailbox or on the computer. While in university, your sim can still work part-time or you can even get money by giving lessons on your known skills.
exemple: here my sim could teach the vetenary skill for ~1-2hours to get approx. $50


Each university has two “clubs” you can join – depending on which one you picked. Each of them have that university’s spirit club w/ a mascot (The two not liking each other very much); one has the robots fanatics while the other one has a debate club.

In both of them you can also choose to be an athlete in their football team or an “e-gamer”, the gaming version of it.

One of the two being more engineer targeted and more modern looking.. that means ROBOTS ARE BACK!! 


Every “Simester” only last for a week, which I personally like that it doesn’t take forever to complete all 9 credits. All courses have school work that preferably needs to be done, and while some of them needs a final exam to pass, some have a dissertation OR a project to give before the end of the simester. You also get the option to study for a course or to cheat on school work/projects/exams.

New career paths with this pack is engineer, education & law. For one reason or another, the education career is always my favorite – so i’m quite glad it’s back !


After each simester is done you get your report card! So far I’ve gotten nothing higher than a C+ average.. mrh. Once you get all credits you promptly get your diploma and you shall move back home!

That’s something else that I really love, as my personal favorite world is the pet expansion one .. the newer worlds being kinda erh to me.. so the fact that you only stay there for a while and move back anywhere you want is a big plus.


Have you bought this pack yet, or did you choosed pokemon instead? (or maybe both?)


  1. I have this expansion, but I haven’t played as much as I could have. I got A’s on my second semester, but it’s tricky. You have to do your homework before each class, and depending on how the final grade works will depend on what you need to do. If you do a presentation you can work on it to finish it (low grade), but then you can choose to keep working on it which changes it to medium grade and then high grade. The same with a term paper, you have to keep rewriting it until it gets a high grade. For exams I made my Sim study on the computer and with the text book (I think it cost about $700). It was really full on though, as my sim lived at home to save money so I was playing with his family too (and there’s a baby). It would probably be easier to to play if they were already at the university.

    1. aw probably.
      yeah! I do the homeworks and modify presentations & term papers so idk why I don’t get higher …

  2. Ah!!!! I so need to play this! Hopefully I’ll get in a tiny bit of play later this month. Otherwise I’ll just have to live on screenshots and Let’s Play of other people 😂 I’ve always liked the law career so when I finally start this gameplay I might create two sims – one for law and the other for like dramatic arts or something 😄 Can’t wait to see the further gameplay!

    1. yes, Law and educations always were some of my fave careers too! However I find the engeneering one pretty cool, with the robot buildings.. on one family I made her go for Education, and then I moved to a full pre-made family where I did an engeener and one of her sister is off-campus studying arts xD
      While I liked being on campus I find it actually really nice we can do it from home too!

        1. Me too!! What I did, I got mine a informatic diploma.. she went all the way in the start-up company job — so now I made her an informatic engeener! Ahaha win-win 😂👀

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