Small actions that help our planet

Idk about you, but with all the bombs and celebrities public jetting everywhere and all the stuff happening…. sometimes i’m getting a lot of eco-anxieties. Because we’re just a tiny amount in the sea of pollution, it can get quite depressing- you feel me ?
Maybe sometimes it can help us feel better knowing little things we do everyday that we might not even consider can help our planet. That we’re doing our best no matter what.
💚 Using reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones. I personally have two that use everyday; one bigger for work, and a smaller for inside the house.
💚 Making bigger portions of our meals to bring to work during the weeks in glass containers.
💚 Going to secondhand stores, buying local or even buying from individuals (eg. marketplace)
💚 Donating gently used clothes that no longer fit, instead of throwing them
💚 Samewise, donating or selling items or furnitures that can still be used when cleaning out our spaces. Either because we don’t need it anymore or we just feel like changing decor.
💚 Using reusable bags for everything, or repurpose plastic bags whenever possible; mother keeps plastic bags from loafs of breads ect to use for brigning wraps at work for exemple)
💚 Prefer to air-dry your hair instead of using a hair dryer.
💚 Don’t buy new technologies or gadgets unless you need them/know you’ll use them; don’t fall for consumerism into over buying things you won’t use (sell/donate or recycle them when they no longer works)
💚 Close the lights when you’re not in the room, aswell as when you aren’t home
What small actions do you do?Â