Sunday’s Chat — Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️

Heey – Happy Valentine’s Day!!
If anything else, I sure hope that you get to have a little more self-care for yourself today; we sure are all deserving of that! 💕
Last thursday we got Top Ten Tuesday; love story i’d wanna reread as my love freebie topic.. but when putting “love post topics” on pedestal for today, ofcourse I couldnt think of anything 🤣 So we’ll just have a casual chat.
* This is my version of the meme “Sunday’s Post” going around the blogosphere (without the this week’s/next week’s posts) hosted by @Caffeinated Reviewer.
First thing first! We did passed onto the “Orange/Phase 3” part of the pandemic again last week.. which means we are now allowed a list of the same 10people along with our household, and gyms/restaurants siting/entertainment can open again!
As we added 10 tables for customers to sit within my coffee shop, work has been even busier –Though thank goodness we still close at 7!-; But that also gives me a bit more trouble as people get more reckless and now think they can go without a mask in our drive thru or “forget” to put it back on when travelling inside the Café after being seated and etc.
But so far our region has remained between 0-1 cases a day so fingers crossed!! Although i’m thinking they might’ve gone too quick and people will rush going in public/meet up and well.. it’d blow again 🙃 but we will see.
★ I’ve finally finished reading my audioread of “Again, but better“, and is still reading this Covid Lockdown found-love short stories collection “Together, Apart”.
So far, I’ve only read 3 stories out of it, my favorite being the 3rd one called “One Day”. As stated before, I come off work early but i’m just- so physically drained that I tend to opt for watching true crime youtube instead.. and suddently it’s 2am and I should go to bed 🤷🏽♀️
★ Stardew Valley updated FINALLY DROPPED !!! Which- ofcourse I made a new save and that’s probably what i’m gonna do now; back to the obsession while watching said youtube videos 😂
My other “newer” file i’ve made on my mac when the first version came out is now in Autumn of Year 3 … so like- YIKES rofl. What I like about this time though, is that I can play on my break and all without the need to reach the bed to save before leaving — my switch allowing me to just shut it off and being able to continue where I left off.
Stay safe! xx
Did anything good happened this week?