Sunday’s Chat — The Conguring, Yoga & some family time!

Sunday’s Chat — The Conguring, Yoga & some family time!

Good morning,

Happy July, everyone! Hopefully your summer has been kind to you so far. This past week has been quite eventful, mostly because I could finally enjoy all 3 of my days off from work 🥰 got plenty of things done!


* This is my version of the meme “Sunday’s Post” going around the blogosphere (without the this week’s/next week’s posts) hosted by @Caffeinated Reviewer.


What I finished lately;

★ Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Anime)
★ Lucifer (Just a few eps left in Season 5 — took us forever to catch up!)
★ Our Year of Maybe (My review)


Currently obsessing about;

★ Midnight Library
★ Bloody Valentine, by Machine Gun Kelly (X)



My godmother came to spend a few days with us this week.. Because of Covid, and orange/red phase always ended up happening when she was gonna come see us, it had been close to 2years that we haven’t spent time together! 🥰 Unlike what she’d do before, she spent less time shopping and more time with us, so that was pleasant.


I also finally went to see the last Conguring with my friend!! He had already seen it with one of his other friends before, but as I’ve been wanting to see it too he was okay with seeing it again with me ahah. I quite liked it, but especially the ending.. which yes, I cried a bit ❤️

On the “late to the party” train, we also watched The Secret Life of Pets 2 while my godmother was with us, which I quite liked aswell absolutely just watched for Buddy the dachshund 🙊 — the funniest part was the “cat training” scene.. Buddy looking quite funny with his cat-heared tuque 😂😂 [check this!]


I quite liked doing yoga with Beach Body, though it felt a bit mreh to pay that much for an “all exercice” program only for yoga.. So I gave it a shot again – First week I’ve done 4days, and last week I had done 3days, My back has been already feeling better than it was.. however my inner legs has been flaring up again. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I love how the program i’m using now (Down Dog app on my ipad) create new routine every day, and I’ve gotten quite a lot of them stretching this wierder area.. so mostly just muscling & using it more probably- i’m just hoping it’d help make the pain going away.

Lastly, i’m gonna get my second shot tomorrow of Moderna.. so far i’ve heard my bestfriend & my manager had been quite sick from it 😬 light fever/chills/low energy/headache … kinda nervous about that now, ahah, wish me luck!



How has your week been? 
Has you done anything special this time?

6 thoughts on “Sunday’s Chat — The Conguring, Yoga & some family time!

  1. So cool that you finished up Brotherhood! I’m working my way through the manga after so many years myself. It’s also nice to hear that the new Conjuring movie is actually good. The original two movies remains the best so far for me hahah Hope your 2nd dose turns out good. I’ll be taking it on the 14th too! Have a fantastic week! 😀

    1. Whoop, yay for vaccines!
      Yees- ilove the conguring serie, although I still have to watch the annabelle ones.

  2. I have to get back to Yoga. I really enjoy Yoga with Kassandra. She has this nighttime yoga that I want to get back into. I just got my second shot today and I am preparing for the pain 😬 Good luck with yours!
    I am not sure where Lucifer is going. You’ll see when you get to the end…

    1. Yeah my friend saw it and told me it was emotional & it ended on a cliffhanger – again.
      Hopefully your vaccine won’t be too much of a pain either!

      ah that’s interesting! as far as yoga youtube goes- I’m struggling so much to just pick something! There’s so many choices, I don’t know which routines in “best” or even go together.. 😅

    1. It went good actually! I was expecting too much to feel sick like my bestfriend did.. but all I got was achy arm 😂 not complaining haha

      Though sometimes it is tricky to make me start it, what I love about yoga is how it is exercice.. but without « exercice », if you know what I mean xd like dancing or swimming

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