Sunday’s Chat — Time to get spooky, new goals… and yet another lockdown

Sunday’s Chat — Time to get spooky, new goals… and yet another lockdown

Good morning!

If you’re a fellow canadian, Happy early thanksgiving! Normally my family don’t do much “traditions”, however today (the sunday before thanksgiving) we would be heading to the orchard for some apple picking. Unfortunately for us, for the second year in a row, our plans have been cancelled because of our “thanksgiving’s weekend lockdown” 🙃


Sheik amongs pumpking, picking the one she wanted – taken few weeks ago


* This is my version of the meme “Sunday’s Post” going around the blogosphere (without the this week’s/next week’s posts) hosted by @Caffeinated Reviewer.


What I finished lately;

★ Sky-high survival (S1; Netflix anime)

Currently obsessing about;

★ Animal Crossing: New horizons (yep- still)
★ Slingshot by Mercedes Helnwein [GR]


Spooky time has finally arrived! Though i’m fully not feeling the feel this year.. I’m joining the October trend of trying to watch as many horror movies that I can! Despite not being a “movie girl” per say, whenever the film gets a tad too long, I tend to get bored and wanna do other things OR even game while i’m watching it 😂

Out of the horror movies categories, the gory ones are definately on the bottom on my list- it’s not a trigger per say but it does makes me shiver; while ofcourse the paranormal ones are my favorites! The conguring world have been my favorite so far, and i’m a sucker for real-life ghost adventures tv shows (like the one with Zack Bagans- they did one with the real annabelle). So far, me & mother has watched Malevolent, Fear street 1994 aswell as the two other parts (I needed to rewatch the first one, as I saw it in two times weeks in-between 😅) — I wasn’t ready for that twist in the end.. but I still liked the part 2 better!


October also means my Bestfriend’s birthday! 🥰  Every year, I get stuck not finding anything for her until late, and cursing that the next year will be different.. and falling in the same trap all over again xD well not this time!! I had previously liked a bunch of stuff I’d think she’d love on etsy, so I just had to pick my two things and I sent it directly to her — her birthday being the 19th, she might get them at the latest on the 21st; I’m rather proud of that one! -While it can still be a bit late, I got some advance; the shipping isn’t my fault, and last year I was 2months late..- 

Edit; One package already arrived to her on the 8th- so a whole 11days before xD For once that i’m not late.. ahaha but man, that was some fast shipping! 


Though we get warmer days still, it’s finally rather fresh outside now, so I set some new goals “exercising wise”. I had been rather consistently doing yoga 3times a week, though it didn’t felt enough for me- as i’ve been wanting to aim for 4times but only managing to do it here and there.. So i’ve decided to add walking the weeins on top of my yoga, in a ratio of wanting 2 walks & 3 yoga session a week – so I get to move more, while having a little break of yoga, aswell as some fresh air.


And finally.. as I was saying in my last Bujo post, the school starting with the green phase being implemented too early was absolutely TERRIBLE! We got expositions of covid left and right in like all of the schools without exception, aswell as daycares 🥲  People refusing to get vaccinated as it’s their right as canadians not to be forcely vaccinated against their will.. and claiming not being able to go & stay in “un-necessary” business without a vaccine passport brime their rights (we are talking like cafés, restaurants, casinos, etc.). Our daily cases keep being around 60-90 cases with more deaths than we even got since the start…

Seeing the cases going up everyday just makes me wanna get up to my feet and just go- i’m so tired 🤦🏽‍♀️  FINALLY our govnement did something and put us in lockdown; though everyone for the thanksgiving weekend so no family reunion be permitted, my area aswell as two others in new-bruswick will remain in lockdown for two weeks. They say schools will remain open, aswell as places like my work that’s asking vaccine passport to stay.. the only difference being you can’t gather with anyone that’s not living with you, no difference if meeting is inside or outside 🤨  I don’t understand how this will do if everything remains open still, but whatever.



How’s your spooky month so far – are you watching horror movies aswell?

2 thoughts on “Sunday’s Chat — Time to get spooky, new goals… and yet another lockdown

  1. Yay for horror movies! I’ve been doing the 31 Days of Horror, which I also did last year and I’m enjoying it so much! Have you seen Grave Encounters? It’s about a ghost hunter TV show that usually fakes everything but for one episode it turns out that the ghosts are real.

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