Tag: horror

What scares you in fiction ?

Hello, Hello !! Here we are for yet again another Bookending Autumn post; but this time, with a conversation post of my own 🙂 Last year, We talked about the horror genre in general — but this year, I felt like going more in dept in that and ask y’all what ….

Is horror books not for me?

Good morning ! If you remember correctly, while in #blogoween I had done a similar post before; However i’d want to come back to this as upon posting the first one I didn’t had read any of that genre – while now I did ! So let’s converse about horror books, ….

Fountain dead ~ Theresa Braun ☆ review

**Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it**   I got contacted by the author to review this YA horror novel early last month, and genuinely had wanted to have the review ….