Talk Bookish to me ~ Kate Bromley ☆ Review

Good morning!
Taking a pause of my Summer TBR, I decided to pick this bookish romance that I recently bought (after my TBR was made) instead! One of the few recently published books that i’ve read this year.
Goodread’s Page
5 / 5 stars
What first attracted me to this one, was discovering while reading a review that this involved bookstagram! Having loved & only ever read one book with book blogging before (What I like about you), I absolutely was so excited to read it!
It didn’t dissapointed! Along with it, the MC is also an author.. I especially loved having bits here & there of her novels she was writting whenever the inspiration stroke. Bookstagram game also on point; as in one moment in the novel, Kara asked her mother if she still had X item because she was late for one of her post and thought it would look great with the cover 🤣 Although I don’t have bookstagram, mother sure know about my book photography process and lead me onto what would look great in my pictures from time to time ahah!
It’s also a second chance romance, as of which we know I deeply love! One of thoses where they were both young when it happened, and crossed paths few years after.. and it still clicks. While we don’t know for sure what happened right away, we can guess it had been something to do with her insecurity issues aswell as her father didn’t approved.
The sex scenes where just so sensual and more often than not left me tearing up, and the proximity allows for confessions to be made… having me on a romance rush 🥰
Are you gonna read this one ?
Have you crossed any other books involving the bookish world too?
I’ve never a read a book like this that involves the bookish world, but I love the sound of it! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’ll have to check this one out!
Yes, you shall!!
Like- omg the way she spoke about book tropes, explaining and just- generally talking about her reading hobby.. how bookstagram is so pricey. Just- we NEED more of that!! Such a surreal and nice thing