Tell me Three Things ~ Julie Buxbaum ☆ Review

Tell me Three Things ~ Julie Buxbaum ☆  Review

Good morning!

Here’s the first review of 2020! (will I ever get tired of saying this? I don’t think so xd)
I sadly couldn’t finish this book before 2019’s ended, but atleast for this one it didn’t took me until a DAY before my time was up for the library loan 😅  For the records, I finished it a whole 13DAYS before the book was due, whoop!

We are definately starting 2020 on a good reading note; little word of warning however, this is one lenghty-wise review.. 🤭

Goodread’s Page

⭐️ 5 / 5 stars!


The format is all that I love; a « story-side » with the MC’s POV, aswell as some « texting & emailing » bits added to it. I can’t help but feel the story and characters so much more real that way; I also catch myself randomly smiling at a text/email that one of them said, just like I would in a real conversation i’d be having via messages.

I’m also such a fan for the mysterious side of having an anonymous person talking to you.. from the beginning, I was having an idea upon who the secret messenger was (or atleast, whom I’d want him to be). Somebody Nobody is my absolute favorite character, next to the guy I would love for him to be — which kind of made me long for someone like that.
For some odd reason, Theo (the step-brother) give me a Bakugou from My Hero Academia feels to him. He got some angry flares in the beggining, and wasn’t too warm toward Jessie, when also appearing in quite a sweet manner.

Jessie was quite relatable with me; as i’ve been a newbie in a new school aswell, and i’ve nearly lost my mom to kidney failure. Sadly, Jessie wasn’t as lucky and her mother was taken by cancer; which her life took a turn mine didn’t, her father getting a new wife.(although I gotta say I did thought about what would happen, if my dad would get someone else afterward or have other kids than me) — Jessie is clumsy and a little awkward, basically she’s pinpoint the portrait of younger me!


This is exactly the type of book that make me fall in « teenager years » again; I laughed at a chunk of words and moments, aswell as enter the book’s world so bad that I wish something similar had happened to me; To have a few of those characters in my real life. I couldn’t stop myself from letting my eyes jump onto the next chapter, even though I knew I shouldn’t — because I needed to go back to work, or because it was now 2am in the morning; I NEEDED to continue reading. It has been a while since a book had that effect on me. I even did something very unlike me, as I needed to fast-read a few pages FURTHER to see a glimpse of what would happen; to then go back to where I actually was and keep on reading. The revealing of who “SN” was left me confused at first (though I never actually believed I was wrong), but what a relief that I could superpose what SN said onto who I guessed him to be! That ending also definately left me sobbing.



** That book also reminded me of my favorite book ever; “Love Virtually“. Though this take on strangers talking (and maybe falling a bit in love) solely via messages and NEVER meet online/know their real physical self is a more juvenile version.
While “Love Virtually” is between two adults with the book written only in emails formats, “Tell me Three Things” is alternating between messages (text and emails) and the MC pov format, aswell as being between two high-schoolers.

5 thoughts on “Tell me Three Things ~ Julie Buxbaum ☆ Review

  1. yay, I’m so glad your first 2020 read was a good one – and that you got to finish it before you had to worry about deadline pressure!

    according to Goodreads I read this one back in 2017 and didn’t like it much, but I didn’t write a review and have absolutely no memory of it? your review is fantastic though, and makes me want to maybe give it another try!

    1. I’d say go for it !
      Honestly, prior to having goodread I don’t remember much of what I read either XD which is kinda sad as I used to be able to tell you EVERYTHING plot-wise on any book I owned.. welps.

      Even if you did remembered, your POV could’ve always had changed overtime; in a good or in a bad way. (which is why I don’t wanna reread the spiderwick chronicles XD I LOVED THEM SO MUCH growing up that erh.. i’m scared I wouldn’t love them as much and spoil them)

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