The book blogger tag!

The book blogger tag!


It’s been a while since we’ve done a tag — and I crossed this one on Marley’s blog, and thought it was kinda cool, it has questions that I never saw before! With interresting questions about how you blog and the “inside” of the blog.. so let’s get on!


How many times do you check your email every day?

I usually check it maybe once or twice a day- same as their answer, I hate unread emails & particularly icon notifications on my phone x) so everytime a little (1) pops up, I just have to check & delete! -I have the need to overly delete stuff..-


How many times a day do you go on Goodreads?

Mainly just once when I record where i’m at in my book.. Only time I’d go more on it is upon bloghopping when bloggers talk about books and I wanna add them to my virtual wanna read shelf.


How long does it take to you to edit your posts?

I don’t edit them much? I mainly just write them, give them an overall read, and scheduling it is ! Except for posts like reviews or Sunday’s post/Bujo posts where I would go edit once or twice later when new things I can write in happens, or as I usually write my review before I finish reading, to add more of my thoughts.


What kind of laptop do you use?

I use my Macbook Air 2017


How often do you check your Twitter?

Maybe just 3-4times a day? It’s sadly one of the few social media that i’m less on, preferring Facebook & tumblr -yeeh, i’m old-, I would go on it when I think about it or on my break at work for a few minutes to see what’s going on.. if there’s anything interresting.. Somehow I always miss the drama and only catch the aftermatch 😂 not that i’m complaining!


Why do you use Blogger, WordPress, etc?

I don’t even know.. Blogger’s comments being linked to google kinda irks me, and I prefer the WordPress side of things– Iguess when I started I just followed people that was more on WordPress.. so that’s just what I went with?


Are you good at keeping up with your reviews, tags, etc?

Ithink i’m pretty good with reviews, I try to review all thoses that I read (atleast on Goodreads) and so far only a handful of them I haven’t reviewed. As for tags — I used to get tagged in alot of them, but it’s been a while that I seen that i’ve been tagged in anything 🤷🏽‍♀️ But that being said.. please tag me on Twitter instead of WordPress, as I don’t see them here.


How many times a week do you post?

I go with three! Sunday, Monday & Thursday 😁 I wanted to have a couple days between them, and then Sundays just happened rofl- as I had originally started with two.


Tagging everyone who wanna do this one ✨ 


What about you- which platform do you prefer?
Which social media has your heart?