The Book Snob Tag

Good morning,

I’ve been feeling out of the weather with a cold, it’s been two days now when this post will launch 🤦🏽‍♀️ So I thought why not go with a book tag for today!

I took it from Mari @ Musing of a (book) girl, but it was created by tia and all the books on YouTube.


Adaptation Snob: Do you always read the book before you see the movie?

No; Actually it’s mostly the other way around 😂 I either read the book after the movie, OR in some cases, only watch the movie and not the book itself. The latest is mainly only for things that I know my brain probably can’t handle otherwise.. like the Miss Perigrine books.


Format Snob: You can only choose one format in which to read books for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose: physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?

I actually haven’t tried audiobooks yet; but although I LOVE to be surrounded by physical books and hold them.. I’d actually pick ebooks, ithink. Just because it’s easier to read them at night before bed (because I STILL don’t have a proper bedlight) and you have all your books within reach.


Ship Snob: Would you date or marry a non-reader?

I don’t know many readers.. of course it’d be better to have a fellow reader xd but i’d still date a non-reader because well; as long that they are accepting of this passion of mine and we relate/have some other similar passions, that works.


Genre Snob: You have to ditch one genre – never to be read again for the rest of your life. Which one do you ditch?

I’d pick Fantasy aswell. I’ve only read two series thus far, and i’m always a bit concerned upon if my brain can handle it.. so that’d be an easy one 😅


Uber Genre Snob: You can only choose to read from one genre for the rest of your life. Which genre do you choose?

Another pretty easy one; Contemporaries! Although this can include lots of things, I usually see contemporaries as super fluffy romance.. as of which i’d take any day!


Community Snob: Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?

I think Smut/Erotica has it pretty hard sometimes.. I’m not one of thoses readers, but seems like you either see utter love OR utter disgust/shame; don’t have much in-between there.


Snobbery Recipient: Have you ever been snubbed for something that you have been reading or for reading in general?

I’ve been snobbed before for loving to read in general, yes xD I sadly grew up with other kids that couldn’t fanthom why someone would wanna read a WHOLE BOOK for ENTERTAINMENT?! even worst that I read them IN FRENCH! (bilingual town, but most of the kids were using english rather than french other than at school)

Even to this day i’m kinda wary of telling people that yeah .. I actually love to read and blog about it, I even get maybe a little too hyped up when they tell me that they do indeed enjoy it too!!



Feel free to consider youself tagged if you wanna answer thoses questions aswell xx

What do you think of my answers? do we have some in common?


    1. Even better if they can/wanna built my dream library room themselves! Ahaha because if I do it myself, it’d sure look like crap 😂

  1. Hahaha, I did marry a non-reader, and it’s an interesting dynamic. But he is a video-gamer and movie watcher, so I feel like our nerd balances out a lot!!

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