The Chill pill, does it works?

The Chill pill, does it works?


As you might know, I suffer from insomina, so i’m always looking for things that will help me fall asleep easier! Last time I wrote about how Pokemon Sleep helped me for a while… alas it didn’t last 😅


What’s the “Chill Pill” ?

It is a small device that fits in your hand, that I bought off Amazon; when turned on, it send electroshock through the acupressure points in your hand that is suppose to tell your brain that it’s time to sleep.


I don’t remember how I found out about this device.. I believe it was through someone talking about it on youtube? Evidently I wanted to try it. These past days I had been really struggling to fall asleep, flip flopping and going up often to drink or use the bathroom. My bad habit when I can’t fall asleep is to pluck my hair/scratch my skin… so we see how that’s a problem in itself 💀

I’ve just been using it for a couple nights, so i’m still adjusting to how to set it right, but so far it seems to work! When I can get the right electroshock setting, my brain stops overthinking!! Which is great, as that’s usually what keeps me up in itself – my brain not stopping it’s monologue and then I get upset over myself and it degenerates. I can switch my brain to sing to something and nothing else happens. No overthinking at all, just song lyrics.

Now I don’t seem to flip flop or get up after that, and imean I don’t check the clock either so idk how much time is needed for me to fall asleep; but it definately doesn’t feel like hours like it could be before! No more laying there and nothing happening, so I consider this a win!


*Please read the instructions before use; don’t use this if you have a pace maker, and it is said not to use it on the same area for long period of time. 


Have you tried this device?
If you have the same problem, what do help you fall asleep?