The Gilded King ~ Josie Jaffrey ☆ Review Request

** Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it **


This book is the first out of a trilogy; “Sovereign”; The author’s first YA fantasy/dystopian serie. The world is the same as her previous serie “Solis Invicti”, that was a four book paranormal romance targeted for older readers but however, a knowledge of the previous serie isn’t needed to get into this trilogy.

As you all know, i’m not usually keen on fantasy; but got attracted to this book right away as it had some “Heavenward” similarities, and you all know how I ended up LOVING that book. So I gave this one a shot too!

Publishing date; June 25th, 2018. Now available on Amazon (self-published)

Goodread’s page 

My review;

5 / 5 stars – loved it! Though i’ve crossed some words I couldn’t understand here and there.. but another Fantasy book that ended up surprisingly good!

Important; this book is suitable for readers aged 14 and up. It contain some profanities, horrors and limited sexual references. There’s also some romance (both F/M & M/M).

✘ Ohh so far its looking good ; I appreciate how theres a POV from both side of the world! The girl in blue, and him in the red.

✘ I see! I wonder how the two POV will meet… if they ever meet that is.

So far so good; loving it thus far

✘ Though it should’ve been obvious, I’m just now (26% in) realizing they are vampires 🤦🏽‍♀️ .. I now feel a bit silly ahah

✘ The chapters are longer than I like, but interresting enough that I wanna read more than one before trying to sleep. And I’m drawn into both POV of our two different characters; I liked Julia’s more at first, but now Cam’s growing on me ..

✘ I really love Lucas ❤️ and the fairytale of their world is So. Sweet. i love it!!

✘ My heart completely shattered pinpoint in the middle of it. I SO don’t want it to end like that!! It just can’t be .. it’s not what they both portrayed.. I ache for Julia’s pain, as I react/wouldve had reacted the same way. Which makes her so much real in my eyes..

This book was so good!! I was interested in it right from the start, and it kept me on my toes ; awaiting what were to come, shattered my heart, to gasp in shock when a turn of situation happened. I particularly love how there’s both representation of homo and hetero relationship to the book, aswell as how Josie’s characters feel so realistic and having a dept to them. I’ve related so much to Julia, sharing her bad views upon herself and how she felt toward how perfect the goddess was, to falling deeply for Lucas with how sweet he was behaving.

The different point of view is always a favorite of mine, specially when you finally understand what tie the two together and why this side of the story needed to be explained. The fantasy genre has been upped in my taste and I consider reaching for more – and of course know the rest of this trilogy!


  1. eeeek I can’t wait to read this book, the author kindly posted a copy of the first book in her vampire series which I’ve got to sink my teeth into (aha great pun xD) and she’s also kindly posted a copy of this book to me, honestly so grateful she’s in the UK. Great review girl, can’t wait to read this book 🙂

  2. It sounds like this was a great start to the fantasy series and that you were able to really enjoy this book! I don’t mind when there are different perspectives or just one really, I think sometimes one works best for one book or the other. But it sounds like the switching up worked well here.

    1. ahaha yep, that’s the hard part ; laying them down into something coherant, isn’t it ? 😂
      Honestly it was my first vampire book.. I didn’t even figured out they were vampires until like half in it … oops. ahaha

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