The motherly instinct with dogs

The motherly instinct with dogs

For some people, the fact that some humans “choose” to take their dogs companions like children doesn’t make any sense — however, this is actually something that happens quite alot in nature with other species of animals. How often do we see that mother of species A is nursing and mothering baby of species B along with her own ?

This is even more precious when both animals are in need; mother grieving her stillborn babies, and orphan baby in need of a mother to take care of them– present the baby to the grieving mother ans she’ll likely take it, making both of them fulfilling their needs. Mothers doesn’t think twice about doing it, mothers just do what mothers do.

Why would it be any different when humas are involved? Although we are a bit more complex and able of thinking/speaking/etc., we are still animals.


I’ve always lived with dogs; mother owned two poodles. One lived for 10years, and the other for 11years – I always took them as “brothers”, because it was the family dog and such.

It’s totally different with my two dachshunds, they are truly mine now, and the motherly feeling is so strong too — despite myself not having “real children”, you just know. I feel as if I could walk into a blazing fire just to rescue them, and if anyone dare to even hurt them – wether another human or a animal… I would legit bite them 🤣  no questions asked.


I love to talk about dachshunds in particular, but also dogs in general.. although wanting to incorpore this subject into my blogging, i’m not even sure of “what” to write about either..

And then this topic came to mind last night, of course writing the whole post in my head instead of actually sleeping.