The pursuit of our fairytale ✨

The pursuit of our fairytale ✨

* Yet another post sponsored by my breakup 🤭 *


If you’re someone who likes romance, or even like me; that was in her truly first “real” relationship, you might wanna try too hard to seek your very own fairytale from the get-go.

Usually in YA contemporary romance books, you rarely see a MC going through a breakup and the first guy is almost always the one (exception of love triangles); but sadly this doesn’t always happen like that in real life.. some do get lucky, like my mother was, but it’s rarely the case.


When you love, you always think this is gonna be your person; Which they might be! But many times, you may just run over some pretty important signals that may point toward them actually not being « the One » of your fairytale — and that’s fine. Maybe they’ll be better as friends, if you really need them in your life; maybe they are the right one for you, but it’s just not the right moment.

However, their passage into your life was always worth something. Either to show you your self-worth, or to get to know yourself better – to make yourself grow in some way or another, into the you that you were meant to be.


I think that maybe, as readers, we wanna rush so much into our “ever ever after” that we tend to speed things.. which is never a good thing. Building a healthy relationship with someone takes time, and so does the healing; I’m gonna admit that letting the time runs it’s course is not my forte – as of which I’d need to work on that.

If that person is to stay by your side, there’s really no need to rush. You have all your life ahead of you.


Some relationships will work, while some others won’t — as much romantically than platonically. And in thoses cases, it’s neither your or their fault; sometimes it’s just a matter of the universe deciding to challenge you or the situation might not be ideal.

Don’t be scared to love again. The best fairytale is always the one that we didn’t quite suspected at first, that takes time to develop and build strong.


4 thoughts on “The pursuit of our fairytale ✨

  1. I find myself a really cynical reader when it comes to romance, but I do like reading YA ones, it’s like a nostalgia thing for me I suppose haha. Well like any true creative person, you’re using your feelings to fuel creative content, so, I give hugs and say at least you’re able to share what you like with us here on your blog

    1. I certainly feel the nostalgia part! Ahah – happens to me too 😅

      Thank you ❤️ yes, that’s right! Writing things like this is wonderful for getting stuff out. Which is what I needed…

    1. Thank you Lauren ❤️
      It did actually! The first couple of days were hell, but I got to realize some things that I should’ve acted on earlier before this – and also things like what I wrote that surprisingly made me feel better.

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