The start of my 2nd Bullet Journal!

Heey !

So we are gonna do things a little different this month.. As you can see, i’m quite early to post my pages this month – but that’s because April was my last month into my blue Bullet journal, which lasted from February 2018 to April 2019.. which was a bit more than a whole year !

So what I have for you today isn’t technically my bullet journal for the month, as we’ll have it on the 29th (minus the pages i’m gonna show you today) but rather how I decided to fill in my second BuJo !

When I started my first one, I didn’t really knew what would work for me.. of course I started with the yearly goals and books read, which is good; but I also went with a list of general post ideas, which is better if I do it monthly and not in the early pages. Then I had the key sheet, which wasn’t worth much for me as I journal my days instead of planning like people would usually do. Then I had my Monthly and weekly pages from there.


The starting pages;

When I started my new 2019 spreads, I included my new goals and books read in the blue one but really.. I didn’t felt like going back to it all over again to record the rest; though at the time I didn’t wanted to just waste the whole January to April pages to start pinpoint on that.. So what I did is a little “Recap” page of what my goals were with the ones achieved, aswell as a new shelf for the futur reads and a list of what I had read before that point.

I also kept my pages written in simple black ink as that’s what I write with the most, and I didn’t felt like using another color to having to switch to that one every time I wanted to add something (just in case).


See what I mean with the Key pages ? I do not need all thoses different icons meaning it’s postponed or whatever .. So I just kept track of my color code instead! Which is pretty basic as it’s something I knew anyway but.. just in case.


First month’s spreads;

As I said, I don’t really have much that I wanna place in my starter pages because frankly I prefer to track them per months instead. I double checked what I started with on my blue one and though I had like four or five, they could’ve easily been shorted to thoses two here.

So of course I started my May spreads right away! As the ghosting of the ink annoys me quite alot, I tried whenever possible to make things fit on one page instead of two .. Though im not sure how I like this one – the older style with the left page having the Review Request/Netgalley along with some quotes seems better to me as i’m writting this, but we will see what I think of it later or if I may doodle some stuff on it to make it more lively.

As for the planning mentionned above, i’m not one to have very much appointments and such; all I really need on my calender is a little space to put what shift I work that day, when I get paid (blue dot), and if anything important is going on (We have our 11months together, Sheik’s Birthday, and when we shall apply something for tick prevention on the weeins)


Nothing changed in my Habit tracker as I do not have anything else I may wanna track, and it’s already on one page.


Tiny difference, I kept the same idea but made the cut higher to have more space to actually write in there xD As we all know people like to tag me ALOT when I actually did not plan enough space, so hopefully this should be enough ahah (Still reserving the next page on the left in case it isn’t though — I LOVE when people tag me or incorpore my posts in stuff!)


Here’s one of the biggest change along with the calender; my week spread on ONE page instead of two as per usual .. Thing is, when I started Bullet Journaling in February 2018 I was still working at the sexshop; thus I had a long list I wrote after each shift onto if I had met my goals or not (we had 4 or 5 different ones.. so that took a LOT of space). While nowadays I really only need to track how much tips I did that day and maybe if something really major happened while I worked. The rest is just if I bought anything, finished a book, scheduled a post, etc.. and that nearly didn’t took more than half the space I had in my old weeklies !

I also feel kinda bad if I don’t take most of the space I have?? just like my habit tracker, it just feels like I wasn’t very productive xD Not sure if it’d work that way or not, but we’ll gonna try it for this month – apart of a few days when I had the details of my pay and went shopping for lot of items which I had written a CHUNK of things where I needed the big ol’ box I had, I think that should be more than enough space for my current way of living. If anything, I can always practice to write smaller .. ahah!


What’s your thoughts on my second BuJo VS my first one ?
Do you have pages to suggest me that I might need?


  1. So artistic and well planned! Makes me want to start keeping BuJos too 🙂 Thanks for sharing what you do which gives me so many ideas.

  2. I love the different pages you have. I think as long as you’re happy with your journal, that’s great. I think it’s a good idea to just recap because otherwise it’ll take too much space.
    I keep saying I want to do a bullet journal but I never do.

    1. Do iitt!!
      I was totally the same 😂 I was scared of botching it up hah, and finally I crossed one of thoses posts and it drove me to actually start it

  3. Your bullet journals are so well thought out! Man every time you all do bujo posts, I almost want to do one, but, I can’t be bothered lol. I also really loved your key, it’s so pretty!

  4. Le Journal d’Aurélie Laflamme!!!!! Favorite series from childhood. Is it your first time reading it and if not does it hold up? I’ve been wondering if I should give it a reread or if it would be better to keep my good memories.

    1. Oh no, I read them MULTIPLES times since I was 14 x) I grew up with her – watched the two movies aswell (ithink there’s two..)
      Oh yeah, definately ! The reread is as good as it was back then.. planning to do a whole serie thing with the last book published in October review.. though I kinda paused that on the 5th book I still very much enjoy thoses

  5. I love this! It looks so pretty!
    I love those little bookshelves you’ve made- they’re so pretty!
    I honestly love all your BuJo posts!

  6. Love that you’re editing your style a little and finding what works now and not! I’ve decided to forgo month pages completely because I never keep to them anymore. Haha.

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