Things i’d wanna change this year about myself/my hobbies

Things i’d wanna change this year about myself/my hobbies

Good Morning,

Yet again, after finishing “Very Nearly Normal” and seeing Effie get her life back and shape it how she’d would’ve wanted all theses years really put it into perspective and kind of.. gave me the push I needed to think about doing the same aswell..


Related; My Resolutions for 2020 // Things I need to remind myself in 2020


I’ve finished and entered the new year with insanely low energy.. I could barely go to work or do ANYTHING without needing to take a nap. That bothered me so much .. a “healthy” 25 years old just shouldn’t feel like this- there’s no escuses.

So while I needed to go to my doctor for a new prescription for my anti-depressants, I also asked him to run some blood tests because DAMN! We wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong with my thyroid (as both of my parents has problems with that), aswell as my kidneys, sugar, or anything that could explain that.

Luckily, it’s only a Vitamin D defficiency.. so nothing too too major that can easily be fixed by taking some supplements of that D i’m missing and *hopefully* I shall be feeling more energic and like a proper 25 years old in about a month or two once the vitamins really “kick in”.


Thus — looking forward onto having more of said energy i’m currently lacking, there’s a couple of things I don’t really am satisfied with at the moment and would like to change;


1- Fix my Sleep Schedule (!!)

I really has no idea how it got that messed up, okay ? 😂 It probably has to do with me working at the sexshop from 5-11pm for a whole year.. but yeh- it is REALLY messed up now. I don’t even know how i’m gonna fix it; but I bought some melatonin that i’m gonna take each night, every day and hopefully it shall somewhat help.. possibly the others’ onto the list may help it aswell.


2- Get out more, in public

Something we all know that doesn’t help depression and feeling low, is always staying in. And mostly all that I do is going to work and come back home and that’s it. I just can’t accept that other’s life is simply that, all the time … soo if I can get a little more outside world action going on, i’d be happy with that x) Last year I was going to the cinema and onto dates, before that I was going to the cinema with my mom and etc., as of which I rarely do anymore – and that’s not good.


3- Possibly start going to the GYM?

Idk how much i’ve said it over here, but I was one to say I was NEVER ever gonna go to a gym (except that ONE time). I genuinely has no idea how to even start, how the machines works, how one must go in terms of entrainments (for how long, what kind of “things” ones must do per session, etc. etc.)

BUT the book kind of gave me the want to go for some reason? I don’t have any weight to lose but we all know of how good sport is suppose to be for our bodies, plus the good side that it may help my sleep schedule aswell, on top as being OUTSIDE THE HOUSE and therefore, being more social and see other people my age. I won’t get my permit to drive alone until late may at the earliest (if I do pass the said test the first time..), but there’s a gym by walking distance of my work, so it would be so damn easy to finish at 230pm, hit the gym right away, and waddles to the rest of my day of doing whatever I want.


4- Read more

Compared to other bloggers out there.. I really don’t read much xD This kinda go hands-in-hands with my resolution of reading more during day-time hours. Basically reading anywhere, at any time, possibly in any format can probably help me a load to knock some more readings done and books finished.


5- Spend more time outside

Imphase on the “outside” here, as it’s a little different than No. 2 – i’m not talking getting out in malls or cinema here- but just.. OUT of any building. Getting some rays; I don’t care if it’s just reading on the porch for an hour, or taking the weeins for a walk in the woods, spending some time on a beach somewhere.. really anything goes for now.


I’m pretty sure I had a 6th point in my head before writing this, But I forgot it so erh.. that’s it for now, ahah. I’m one to not have much dedication and I KNOW I’d do it 3-4 times and then I might let go.. i’m really terrible at doing that 🤦🏽‍♀️ I need to keep pushing and pushing always a little harder, all the time (hence why I was on the fence about writing this post) But!! Let’s see what will happen.

I even wrote it next to my resolutions in my Bullet Journal so everytime i’d flip to it to add the books i’ve read, i’ll see it! Let’s hope that’d remind me!



Is there anything you’d wanna change this year?


10 thoughts on “Things i’d wanna change this year about myself/my hobbies

    1. Thanks, me too! 😅
      Although im sick and sleep unnecessary late for the hour I work at (ahah), yesterday *seemed* to be a high energy one! I worked, drove around to shop, and I didn’t even needed a nap! Okay I did needed one today though – but ehh the cough seemed to be worst so..

  1. I hope the vitamin d helps you quickly! Getting out of the house can be helpful with how you feel for sure. I need to do that too, it’s just so cold here! Sending you love! 💜

    1. Thank you! ❤️
      Urhh yep- definately feels you, I guess it was feeling like -27 today? Hella cold working in a drive thru regardless! Ahaha no thanks- not happening today ahaha 😂

  2. Vitamin D deficiencies suck! I’m trying to lose weight so my Crohn’s Disease doesn’t kill me, but my diet is so screwy I’m struggling with it. I’m trying to be more outgoing as well…we’ll see how that ends up working!

    1. It sucks so bad indeed! Atleast it’s « just that » and easily fixable.. i’m always so scared it might be my kidneys, as my mom needed a transplant.., but nope! As healthy as they can be.
      Aww that sucks- i hope you’d find a way to help you in that! Yeeah, i’ve been thinking that too , more outgoing (which is ironic, as i work in a cafe.. with people xd) but idk how I would siccessfully pull it off so I just erh- whatever

  3. I remember when I set myself the task of going out more in public and making plans with friends at least one time a week. Since then I have always been feeling more energetic and happier even though I am an introvert 😛 So I have kept up with that and working out at home. I hope these things go well for you, and that reading during daylight hours helps. Reading with daylight makes you much more like to read more just because less likely to fall alseep while reading! I also need to work on my sleep schedule.

    1. Iknow I seemed to have more energy while I was with my ex- not that we saw each other often, but at the start we would go to the theaters and eat, etc.. before that, I would do thoses things with my mom; atleast once a week. So definately makes a difference!!

      That make sense, yeah- though im too insomniac to fall asleep while reading ahaha my problem with daytime is rather the ambiant noise 😅 still working on my concentration span

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