This is how I dissapear ~ Mirion Malle ā˜† Graphic Novel Review

Good morning!

As per one of my resolution of the year, Iā€™m trying to read more genres I donā€™t usually pick up aswell as more french; this one checking both cases as itā€™s a graphic novel! And just look at this cover šŸ˜Ā both the front and back are absolutely GORGEOUS.


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5 / 5 stars


I have been pleasently surprised at the format, one of the reason why I donā€™t buy those is because of how short they seem for the price.. and especially in french, where books are average $20+! At 200pages, this seemed to be a nice lenght.Ā While the drawing were ā€œless elaborateā€, they fit with the story and I liked looking at them.


The representation in this is just spot on! We donā€™t just see the surface stuff, it goes way deeper into seeing the inside of the illness.. the sad reality of it. It tries really well at explaining in a way that outsiders might be able to understand.

We jump right into the novel with a recollection of the MC in a psy appointment, where sheā€™s explaining the first time she felt like dying was at 12years old.. but this time didnā€™t count, as it was related to some school bullying. From there on we see her struggle with depression through overworking and lack of inspiration; and how hard it is to reach out, even when you really want to.. loved ones get instantly scared when you tell them something like wanting to dissapear, and though they do wanna help, you feel like you canā€™t reach out because you feel guilty of making them worry so much. So you canā€™t be absolutely honest with them either. It does a good job to show how someone can have some suicidal idealisation without actually actively wanting to act on it.



Ā« One day, I told a friend that depression is like a backache. When your back is paining, it hurts all-over your body, and you canā€™t remember what itā€™s like to have a normal back anymore Ā»

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