Bujo post & news; January & february!

Bujo post & news; January & february!

Good morning,

We are reunited yet again to do the wrap up of the month! This first one of 2022 felt trying, but good also at the same time 🤔 It also felt quite lenghty to me, but in a good way.. I truly started 2022 on a good note, personally!


January’s feel;

So i’ve been rolling the wave i’ve started within my 8days vacation from work, having atleast 3posts ahead of scheduled posts! This really allowed me to relax more, as I didn’t needed to panic and scramble to prepare a post last minute.. that felt pretty amazing! On top of that, I’ve prepared my Bujo pages up until April — because why not 😂 we’ve been on a roll!

On another note however, We’ve had three covid positive coworker at work.. with us being not too much people already, this kinda put a strand on us 🙃 Somehow, as I had 4days off that week, I managed to slip in the cracks and not having been in contact with either of them in the times they’ve shown as positive; talk about a luck!! I’ve seriously thought about buying that loto ticket- ahaha. Thanksfully everyone had mild cases, and it didn’t spread out at work; everyone having gotten it from outside, one of them from another coworker but because they met outside of work as they’re in college together.

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Une publication partagée par Kristina ✨ (@doxielover_27)


What I’ve read; 

I’ve exploded my records, with 6 books this month!! One was super deception though, as it ended up not being as deep as I would’ve thought and were only like a 5min read 🙃but we’re still counting it.. (12 mois sans intérêt) 

First I had finished my last 2021 read from my shelf, A season for second chances, then I worked on my poetry review request that I had gotten Between lost and found and infinite, and I picked up a french book that had been standing on my shelf for years- Danger! femmes en SPM. (mini reviews for the three other books). Then I picked a book off my Winter TBR from my shelves, The code for love and heartbreak, and lastly moved onto one of the newer books that Ive bought, this is how I disappear.

We’ve read 6 of 30 for my 2022 goodread challenge; Three french & three englishs, three books being “unusual reads” for me- poetry & graphic novel, and #BeattheBacklist challenge got 4 backlist books.



January’s highlight;

♥︎ Super good posting month, none were skipped – as said earlier, most got scheduled in advance 👏🏼 One single Sunday’s chat yet again (Recap of vacay & 1st week of January). I’ve also shared The non-fictions that helped my MH journey, aswell as Why I decided to blog in english

♥︎ As we’ve had gotten short staffed as per our 3 in quarantine for being Covid positives, My boss decided to close the dining room and only do drive thru.. which is honestly so much better for us! Just in time, as we’ve moved to our phase 3 with the rising of covid cases provincially, making ALL restaurants close their dining & only work takeout again.

♥︎ I finally got my Covid booster shot!! ❤️ ❤️ They had open eligeability to 18+, although I had to wait an extra week to get mine as per my 2days off being in the start of the week when it was announced and then we were short-staffed and blabla.

♥︎ After the first half being in super reading-mode, the other half of the month had been solely gaming 😅 I’ve picked up Best friend forever aswell as obsessing over Spiritfarer on my switch, mixed with my daily New horizons plays.



February spreads! 

For Valentines month, I went ofcourse with Red & pink; the quote this month being “What is for you will find you eventually”. Pretty heart themed, but nothing exceptional planned for the month.. just regularly scheduled trying to survive Covid 😜





How was your January? Have you made any good progress on your goals?
Stay safe, everyone xx


6 thoughts on “Bujo post & news; January & february!

  1. it’s always a good feeling when blog posts are scheduled for a few weeks. I am patiently waiting for the release of Horizon forbidden west, and I am trying to get in the witcher. got to the tavern in the game and stopped and haven’t picked it back up.

    1. Yes, so much less trouble! Hoping to keep sailing my 3posts advance for as long as I can 😅

  2. That’s so great that you have 3 posts scheduled in advance! I always try to aim for that, but it doesn’t always work haha. Love your bujo spread! Hope you’ll have a great (and COVID-free) February!

    1. Thank you!!
      Yeeah I fear it might go downward soon-ish 😅 not looking forward to it ahah
      Happy lovely february too! 🥰

  3. Sounds like you had a really productive month for reading and blogging. Glad you have managed to dodge Covid so far and have gotten your booster. Your February bujo spreads are so cute.

    1. Thank you! ☺️
      Yes it was quite a great month! February on the other hand, is way more calm ahah

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