Tomorrow’s my birthday! 🎂

Good morning, my loves ❤️

Every year since having the blog, I just have to do some kind of post for my birthday — last year, it was the Birthday Book Tag. This year, however, im just gonna go with a simple chat-with-me post!


Tomorrow, your girl is turning 25 years old.

Not only is this year’s birthday a bit more “important” for me because I’m hitting the famous quarter of a century, but also because younger me would’ve never thought that i’d actually hit this age! You see, I became ill at only 19 years old, and yeah i’ve gotten suicidal from Anxiety & Depression — as of which my two dachshunds truly saved my life, they were the reason why I never attempted anything to harm myself. In this perspective, it’s a little victory for me in a way; I’ve made it here.


I also share my birthday with my aunt, Dad’s older sister. It has always been a special little fact to me since knowing it.. She died as a baby, due to hydrocephalus (too much fluid in the brain); Dad hadn’t been born yet, so he never got to know her. Fate has it that many years later, I was born pinpoint on her birthday; while I was only due to come out in January!

To add to that, my favorite “ghost encounter story” is that after I was born, dad went to sleep at his mother’s.. and in the middle of the night, he woke up and saw her in the doorway. When I was a baby, I was actually quite sick and had some kidney problems just like my mother.. and so when my dad saw her, he asked her to watch over me. And she did ❤️ Dad told me that after this encounter, it was like night and day — I became healthy and they fixed whatever was wrong in a way that I didn’t ended up having my mom’s kidney problems in the end, and I’ve also rarely gotten sick since childhood.

I can’t say if that story is 100% real or not, of course, but I choose to believe it — it’s quite a sweet one.


Happy “early” 25th’s Birthday to me! ☺️


  1. Happy early birthday! I share my birthday with my uncle who is very much alive. He’s even my godfather but we never see each other and my sister shares hers with our niece. There’s not some sweet story behind but I always found it weird. Especially since I was born early and it happened just to be Friday 13th when I was born.

    1. Thank you!
      Aww- sweet story or not this is really cool too! I had a friend who was also born on friday 13th! Ahahaha she always said it ended up being her lucky day xd

      Actually, our friend’s baby ended up being born on the same day my mother received her kidney too – things like that seems to come in pairs, eh?

  2. It’s the 27th here, and probably there for you too now (just very early!). I hope you have an amazing day, Kristina!! Sending you lots of love!!

  3. Happy birthday! Your dogs are not only adorable, but also magical for helping you. It’s never easy to share such stories. Sending hugs and lots of love!

    1. Thank you xx
      Now that i’m no longer in that mindset, I actually love to share it. Dogs are way more important and helpful that some people gave them credits for. (The « its just a dog » crew..)

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