My birthday, at last. Cheers to twenty-seven!

My birthday, at last. Cheers to twenty-seven!

I’ve made it; here’s starting onto this new year for me. My 27th year on this planet, on this 27th day of December — if legends are true, this shall (hopefully) be my year!


If I shall be honest with y’all.. I would’ve never guessed that I would’ve had made it to my 27th. I am truly proud of myself, i’ve come so far.

Early-twenties me was a full on depressed and scared new adult. Recently diagnosed with Anxiety & Depression, barely able to stay longer than a year employed to the same place, and very much into the darkness. I remember this eerie feeling of not believing I would ever feel better, being stuck with my head in the gutter, unable to breathe properly.

And here I am today, in my late-twenties, being what I believe to be fully happy. I’ve gained my colors & my character back- having a voice to stand up for myself and others. Though tough at times, I do genuinely love my job.. that i’m now at my 4th year of working there already! While it is true that I rely on medication to help me, the view is so much better.. though I know for sure the rock-bottom dispair that I once felt had been real- it is now all blurry. My disorders do come once in a while to bite me, but instead of constantly living in the belief that I’ll never see the sun, I know my sunshine will be back. Most days I actually do feel good & happy, I can breathe.


I still have no idea where and what I wanna do in the future. I don’t have my own place, still living with my parents and not currently in a relationship. But I am happy, and that’s all that matters.

While I do work a minimum-wage service job, I can provide for myself & the weeins. Living at home, I have a car I can use and can help my parents financially too, aswell as being able to spend some money on myself whenever I want to. Truly a shame that this current society would view this with being a failure; it isn’t.


The past year hasn’t truly be my hardest, if we compare with my early-twenty experience, but I also had to learn some stuff. Letting go of ideas and people that was toxic for me, things that yeah- I do kinda miss sometimes. Learning how and when to raise my voice and speak my truth; even more important on behalf of someone who don’t have my privilege to be able to. I blatantly refuse to allow life to undo my softness.. I never wanna stop caring.

What people don’t tell you, or that we don’t wanna hear rather, is that we never stop growing & learning. It’s okay to go your own way and forge your path; after all it must only make sense for you. And yes, though I am now 27 years old, I very much have things to learn still.. life doesn’t end at 30.


Everything shall come to you whenever they’re ready to. There’s no need in rushing things. In fact, it is very bad- allow things to pursue their own flows, and trust the process.


At last, it’s my birthday. Cheers to my 27th year in this world xx

8 thoughts on “My birthday, at last. Cheers to twenty-seven!

  1. If life ends at 30, I’m not sure how I’m still alive at 40 ha ha ha. I wish you hadn’t said this year will be your year, that how you jinx stuff in movies. It’s like going to war after telling someone how after it’s all over you’ll marry your highschool sweet heart. Doomed!

    All jokes aside, happy birthday, may you have many more

    1. Yes ahaha but legend says how when you turn the same age as your birth date it shall be a good one.. so guess we’ll see 👀

      Thank you! Xx

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