Top Ten Tuesday ~ Petty reasons you’ve DNF’d a book

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Petty reasons you’ve DNF’d a book

Helloo !

We are doing the April 30th prompt today, Petty Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book (Or reduced its rating. You don’t even have to say what the book was if you don’t want to! DNF means “did not finish”.)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


Wow, while I did remembered writing on this before.. I forgot it has been that much time already! Last one had been in August 2018 .. leaving you the link if case you wanna read it! While I don’t DNF as often as I should, here’s few things that bothers me:


Too many POVs; While I like dual POV, I do prefer first person narration. Three I can do, but more than that? hell nah. I remember struggling with The night circus exactly because we had atleast 5 POV that I can remember.. and I was just lost on the whole story, didn’t knew what was happening anymore 🤣

Not in the mood anymore; Struggles of being a mood reader.. sometimes you start reading something and then you just don’t feel like it and wanna read something else instead. For exemple I was reading a cheery Christmas novel, but I felt like reading something much more darker..

Time travelling; As with too many POVs, time travel doesn’t work too great with my brain. Very few times I had been able to follow the story.. and it’s even worse when it wasn’t disclosed beforehand.

Having multiple romances at once; Reason why I hated on The No Show so much.. I originally thought he was having all 3 at once, which drove me mad.. and THEN it layed out to me at the very end (while I was skim reading at this point) that we were time travelling in 3 different times instead! The book just hit me with a two-for-one.

Books dragging too much; I don’t like slow starts. If the action starts halfway through the book, you’ve lost me. Cut it off and get to the point!

Had a different idea of the book VS what I got; That happens often actually, but on the flip side. Sometimes the synopsis just doesn’t give you the right ideas of what’s in the book.. and sometimes that’s not what I feel like.

Unecessary violence or sex scenes; Enough said. While violence might be expected in horror, it might not in a romance, you know what I mean ? Or way too much sex without the story.



What other reasons have you DNF’d a book before?

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday ~ Petty reasons you’ve DNF’d a book

  1. I weirdly agree with the time travel one! I know it’s a popular concept in books, but I not only get confused, but also get super stressed out by all the possible issues that could occur because of messing with time and all that. 😂 Just not for me personally, and I do avoid books that focus on time travel!

    1. Happy to hear im not alone in that! If novels can atleast disclose it.. it’s not a surprise I like falling in

  2. Not being in the mood, books dragging too much, having a different idea of the book vs what I ended up getting – all of those are ones that I end up DNFing. Sometimes the first I just put in infinite currently reading purgatory since I know full well I’d enjoy the book if I were JUST in the mood and sometimes the second I’ll still read it even if the book drags too much because I’m still enjoying myself or there’s more positives to the book (pretty much my only issue is the fact it’s dragging), but I find that’s also heavily based on my mood as well.

    The third one sometimes I feel like is just the way the book is marketed and I know this, but sometimes I still DNF it anyways.

    1. Oh yeah.. my reread of geekerella I pause for like a month 😂 read something else in the mean time and got back to it

    1. Yes! I saw it on your list while I was thinking about mine, that was a good one!

  3. I definitely dnf if I’m no longer interested in reading it. Especially when reading multiple books, as I often do, and I pick up one book after not reading it for a week or longer – then I might also realise I wasn’t really interested in it at all.

    I’ve dnfed in the first 5-10% of a book if the book’s just written in ways I don’t like – the characters and how they speak, the way the narration is.

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