Topics i’d love to read more about; Organ Donation

Topics i’d love to read more about; Organ Donation


As you guys should all know by now, organ donation is something very dear to my heart — I legit have a green ribbon tattoed on my wrist with my mother’s transplant date 😅

This will forever be my favorite picture of it 🥰


If it’s says anywhere on the book that it contains organ trasplant or organ donation in itself in/around the plot – say no more, i’m in!! However, it came onto my attention that I’ve only read ONE book with that topic.. aswell as two being talked about in the blogosphere.


Big thanks to Netgalley, I found the first book early when I started blogging. The heart between us; A story about a teenager getting another girls’ heart, and deciding to finish the bucket list that she never got to accomplish.. thus setting herself onto an adventure around the world.

Then, upon reading reviews on other blogs, I’ve learned about Our year of Maybe, Instruction for a Secondhand Heart, This heart of mine & more recently, Heart sister.


I’m sure there must be other ones out there; but that I just haven’t heard of them — upon checking listopia on Goodreads, it gave me atleast 33 books just in the YA genre!

Though if you look closely.. the saddest part for me is that maybe 80% of thoses books is about an heart donation; while what my family has dealt with has been a kidney donation. The heart is a very important organ, but so is the kidneys and the lungs for exemple.. The fact that there’s books out there that portray the experience around receiving and organ among teens and olders are great!! and of course i’d read that too – but i’d love to read about other transplants aswell; i’d even go as far as to read non-fiction about it.. hell I even watched some youtube videos of the surgery itself back in the days 😂

All that’s written that I came across also involve donation after death, so another I would adore to read would be a living organ donation.. as I had considered giving my own kidney to my mother, but sadly her blood had reacted to mine; thus implying a higher chance of her body rejecting it. This one might need some more research to come out more realistic though, as only a few organs CAN be given with both persons alive and well (like the kidneys and the liver).


While we are on the topic, blood donation could technically be involved in this concept as a whole too! Which I gotta say I don’t have any memory of ever crossing that in any book that i’ve read.. ithink it could be greatly involved in thrillers or in a vampire fantasy, maybe?


Any books with this topic that you’d recommend me?
What’s something that you would personally want to read more about?

4 thoughts on “Topics i’d love to read more about; Organ Donation

    1. Yeah.. kind of. Although atleast one that i’ve seen was a thriller, and the heart between us is a contemporary romance – not *quite* a rom-com, but the places I cried on was mostly the beginning when she met with her donor’s mother, because well, my history 😂

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