Types of books I don’t plan to read

Types of books I don’t plan to read

Good morning !

As readers, we all have our favorites type of books, but we also have thoses that we just won’t ever pick up in a million years .. It can either be because of part(s) of the plot, or just a genre in general. Sometimes we may have a reason for wanting to avoid it, while sometime it’s just a preference.


Because books are my escape from the real life struggles for me, any book that deals with politics or crime against humanity is something I won’t ever touch. Like terorrism, police brutality, shootings, etc. While I do know as a book blogger that they are important reads, as it’s helping to bring awareness to real problems in our society … i’m already an anxiety wreck and I do not need more reasons to become anxious or emotional.

Fantasy is still a genre i’m wary of, because of my “lack” of brain capacity to register what’s happening and take the description of the surrounding. High fantasy is a definite no for now, atleast until I feel like my brain can manage it, but i’d try myself for some more basic fantasy that are taking place in the real world – or atleast something pretty close; Definately something without the need to imagine a brand new world.


And then there’s just some genre that are a definite “erh”, nothing really personal about them – but it’s just not my cuppa: Most non-fiction books: like biography/memoirs and historical, pre/during war era, historical fiction, Religion-heavy ..



What’s some of your types of books you don’t plan to read?
any reason in particular or just because?
Do we have somes in common?

21 thoughts on “Types of books I don’t plan to read

  1. I don’t read horror genre books because I’m a scaredy-cat lol. And, Stephen King and Haruki Murakami’s books bored me.

    1. So far I didn’t gotten a horror book that I liked.. Stephen King’s is just way too big for me xD

  2. I mostly stay away from true crime. Everyone was talking about that I’ll Be Gone in the Dark book a while back and I was just like nope even thinking about it touched off my anxiety!

    1. Ohh, I can understand why !
      I never tried thoses, honestly .. but the fact that’s out of a true story makes everything much more scarier ..

  3. I basically read all kinds of books. But there are one type I tend to avoid and that is crime. It is funny because it seems like SO many people read crime I just don’t get it. It is all the same ;))

    1. Like true crime or thrillers?
      See, ithink one of the things with liking the genre is that it’s always kind of the same thing, so we get the same thrilling feeling ? 🤔 kind of like action movies all have the same “basic plot”, but with different things happening and each movie their own?

  4. I am not a fan of non-fiction or historical fiction either. Fantasy/Sci-fi/Contemporary YA are my go to genres.

    1. yes! I love contemporaries so much, especially fluffy ones ! I still need practice for the other two..

  5. I barely read classic or historical fiction because it takes me a long time to get into the worlds. And sci-fi – even though I love that genre too bits, I space out a lot during anything scientific 🤦‍♀️ I used to be all about reading epic fantasies in high school but now can barely get through one thanks to my ADHD worsening, but general fantasies are still fine for me.

    1. yep, I’m not a fan of classics either! I can absolutely relate, but it has been anxiety and/or depression that impacted my habitily to get into the world. For the first while it took me an INSANE amount to actually finish a book – damn, I just couldn’t finish a book, i’d get absolutely lost after a while and dnf and switch. I can’t exprime the proudness I felt when I finished one after what seemed like ages.

  6. Historical fictions and classics are difficult for me to get into, so I often don’t read much of them – it’s a win-lose with those genres. Science fiction, on the other hand, I tend to faze out when anything too sciency happens. I used to read epic fantasy by the week in high school, but I don’t even know if I’d be able to get one in my head 😶

  7. I think I probably tend to stay away from hobby books unless I want to learn to do something, and uh certain chick-lit type books, but for the most part, I like to give most things a try! 🙂

    1. Oh hobby books? You mean like thoses who show you how to sew various things for exemple? I never thought of thoses! When I was younger I used to flip through my grandma’s ones 😂 just for fun, ahaha
      Ahh I do like chick-lit though! It’s good to give everything a try 🙂

  8. I’ll read almost anything, depending on my mood, but non-fiction isn’t really my thing either. And I’d rather watch true-crime than read it (reading it just makes it too real to handle)!

    1. Although I never really tried reading true crime, I do agree that I love watching them on tv!

  9. I certainly don’t enjoy true crime at all either! I am not seduced by THUG! I love fantasy of course. 😀 But I understand that its not for everyone. You’d probably enjoy a fantasy that is light on world building. ❤️

    1. Wait- thoses novels like THUG are true crime ??! I somehow never thought about that xD i was under the impression true crime was all like, « in the mind of this killer » 🙈

      Oh I did actually ❤️ Josie’s wonderful sovereign serie aswell as Celestial Creatures serie by Olga Gibbs worked just fine and I love them! Absolutely still wary of picking them though ahah

  10. Great post!! I 100% relate to you about the politics or crime against humanity subgenre! There are already so many troubles in the world, and I like to use reading as an escape. It just dampens my mood when I read books that reflect the issues in the world. I would highly recommend checking out some urban fantasy! You would be able to experience some of the fantastical elements, without having to worry about excessive world building and complex fantasy systems. I think that the Raven Cycle series would be a wonderful place to start! <3

    1. Happy to know im the only one on that! Seems like there’s lot of claims how we should all read this and that to open our eyes to such bad treatment but … i’m sorry we are not all wired for that. I don’t wanna read something that’ll put me in a bad place mentally on purpose, you know?

      Oooh thanks for the tip! I’ll definately give that a look!

    1. Non-fiction is already a nope for me so now if we had religion heavy to it… im sorry but no 😂

      I once had a review request with « You dont wanna miss this book, Kristina! » or something similar as the header … you can imagine my deception when I read it was a POLITICAL THRILLER! Like seriously. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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