What I like to see in my books !

What I like to see in my books !

** This idea came from a Top Ten Tuesday prompt of April, “What makes me pick up a book”.
Hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl since January 2018. **


Good morning!

So, i’ve seen this going around and wanted to do it too ! Though it’s not necessarely things that would make me pick it up, I’m really excited when I stumble upon it.


1) Working in a Coffee Shop/Restaurant
Working in one myself, i’m just super pumped when the MC or any character is working in it too. It also gives me the freedom to imagine the story in my own coffee shop while reading.


2) DOG!!
Specially if a dachshund, of course, and treated like an important character in the story. Bonus point if they gives us the dog’s POV.


3) text/message format
You know thoses little bits where the characters are sending letters/txts messages to each others ?? I LOVE IT! just don’t ask me why; it’s more realistic, and so easier to read at times.


4) Flawed, raw characters
When I read, I need the characters to be and feel real in my mind. I need them to act like any of us and have thoses quirks and bad things about them – because let’s face it .. we aren’t all in qualities..


5) little nerdy things
bits of our popular culture in books ? HELL YEA. Have them gush over a known movie/game/book, be crazy about something in particular .. again, making it more real and interesting for me. (specially if I know what it is ahaha)



What would be yours ? Do we share some ?

11 thoughts on “What I like to see in my books !

  1. Flawed characters are so important because they make them more relatable. Perfectly wrapped up happy endings never worked out for me.and characters that solve all their issues at a snap.at the end dont either.

    1. Happy endings are a guilty pleasure of mine though 🙈 but I do agree for the second one, or « im cured by a boy’s love ».

      I seem to be personally attracted by characters that others would qualify as « unlikable », it take a whole different turn for me!

  2. I loved flawed characters. i think they’re necessary for a book to work for me, perfect characters seem rather unrealistic to me, because people in real life aren’t perfect either. and i love message format in books, its so adorable! and yes, yes, yes! to cute nerdy things. i also must admit that most books j’ve read with characters working in a coffee shop or restaurant are cute too so yes to that.

    1. Yay !! So many things alike ☺️
      yep, I think the same way – too perfect is kinda boring aswell tbh ..

  3. Pretty much agree with your whole list! I also love pop culture references in books, though they can get dated fast they still make me happy to see! I also really enjoy characters who have ‘regular’ and everyday jobs, it’s nice to connect with MCs that way! 🙂

    1. Yes!! Cant really relate with an actor ahahah
      I haven’t thought of that one 😂😂 the most commons are classics like harry potter or hunger games

  4. Flawed characters are definitely so much fun. I also enjoy text message/social media breaks because they just make the characters more relatable to me.

  5. Based on all of this, I’d really recommend Emergency Contact by Mary H. K. Choi – it’s got everything on your list, except for a dog!!

  6. I enjoy text messages in books as well. It’s such an everyday thing that it makes the book feel even more realistic.

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