What’s your go-to outlet when you feel angry/sad?

What’s your go-to outlet when you feel angry/sad?

Good morning, friends!

forgive me, I had missed last monday’s post as I was gone to a dachshund event and ran out of book ideas 😅 I’m having a chatty post for today, as i’ve had some trying time at work this week… with new crew members and overtime and such..


What’s your favorite go-to outlet for angry or sadness?

Something that helps me alot is having some yelling/smashing music in my headphones, really important that I get in my bubble instead of out loud, Hollywood Undead rap/rock band is my favorite. From there either cleaning the house or rearranging my furniture calms me the most- and it’s a win-win as we get productive and our living space gets improved!

After a trying day at work, I like to isolate myself in my room listening to my youtube channels in peace; most probably some true crime that i’d watch while playing on my switch.


Currently enjoying;

I’m currently reading through Starfish finally! oh my god do I relate to this MC.. not too closely as I don’t have the family dynamics, but love the anxiety rep! good representation of what I personally felt.

For gaming, I finished playing Potion Permit and got quite bored with it.. so I restarted a file of Graveyard Keeper– and ohhh i’m just obsessed. So much things to do! so many quests! It’s harder for me to put it down to do my daily reading at night for sure 😅



What about you?

2 thoughts on “What’s your go-to outlet when you feel angry/sad?

  1. I’m also one who has yelling/smashing music going on sometimes, especially when I’m angry. When I’m sad it’s usually breakup songs or sad ballads — there’s a good chunk of Evanescence. 😂 Usually I have to isolate myself for a few hours before I feel better, which I usually also spend the time journaling or playing games (definitely when I got laid off earlier this year it was mindlessly gaming though lol).

    1. Ouuuh sad i reach more for Linkin Park, i had it on repeat when I was deep on depression.. twinning on the isolation 😅

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