Where to find fellow “local” readers?

Where to find fellow “local” readers?

Hello my people!

You might remember this twitter status I did back when we turned into the new year; as i’m unfortunately not one to have many real life reader friends that I can just hang out with and gush about books. I see some people have within our community, as of which i’m pretty jealous of xd It sounds absolutely marvelous! I’m not that great at making friends, but surely it shall be easier when we have that passion in common, eh?! 😘

Capture d’écran 2020-01-12 à 12.47.39

Related post; My reaction when I catch a reader in the wild [X


So where can one find a fellow reader near us?


⇒ Coffee Shops
We all know readers LOVES coffee.. or tea, or anything hot, really. Specially true if said coffee shop has a “free little library” in it like ours does; where you can freely pick and drop off books you no longer want.

I however haven’t been too lucky on that font, as most of our “staying” customers are students, who are mostly High Schoolers; and as i’m working… it feels kinda wierd to just show up and «HEY WANNA BE FRIENDS?!» 😂


⇒ Libraries
If your town has a public library like mine does, this seems like a right path. However … I’d feel kinda bad interrupting one’s reading, as we all know how we HATE it – so unless you cross their path in a row or something, it might not be ideal.


⇒ Bookstores
Following the library one, this one seems like a no brainer aswell. You can find a few people reading here and there, but most of the people are browsing – so it’s perfect for actually talking to someone. But then- nothing tells you they are buying said books for themselves (specially if it’s around christmas time or other times where buying gifts are popular)..


⇒ Parks
If you live somewhere that isn’t winter right now, and the temperature is ideal for some reading outside (personally, not too hot nor too cold for me) — you might cross a few people carrying books.

Bonus points; There will be dogs!! All kinds of dogs!! If you’re lucky, that person with a book might be hanging out with one (or several), so that make an easier in for talking to them.


⇒ Online?
Like anything, seems like you can find everything online. If you’re really lucky, or live in a “popular” or big area, you might find that someone you’ve been talking to is just around the corner! Or maybe there’s a facebook group for that, there’s one for everything nowadays, ahah

Sadly.. all other canadians I’ve found so far are a few provinces over x) Mainly Quebec or Ottawa, i’ve found a few nova scotias aswell — However, New-Brunswick is pretty rare.. the ONE person I’ve seen mentioning it had moved away 😔 but that excited me anyway nonetheless..



Were you lucky enough to make friends with another reader somewhere around you? Where was it?

14 thoughts on “Where to find fellow “local” readers?

  1. Sadly the only place I found people who love reading were on bookstagram or discord.
    In real life people barley read which makes me sad :/

    1. Yep.. iknow ;/
      I know some people read around me.. but the thing is HOW to befriend them without being plain wierd xD and where to find them, mainly..

    1. Lucky indeed!
      I used to have one in high school.. but we drifted apart pretty much as soon as we graduated :/

  2. I’ve always wanted to be that cool, aesthetic coffee shop reader who runs into fellow readers – unfortunately the reality is I’m either stuck in uni or too tired to go anywhere but straight to my bed. But I’m lucky my brother and some of my closest friends read so atleast there’s that!

    1. Yep- and im stuck behind the counter so although theres people id be interested to date or befriend …. im kinda wierded out xD like- what if they dont want to?! Or I freak them out and they never come again?! 😱 So I’m waiting for them to do it… never happened as of yet xd

      Ouhh yeah that’s pretty cool too!

  3. Great post, love! I’ve always wanted to meet some fellow bookworms in real life, but aside from one of my close friends, none of my friends are readers! I need to start camping out a bookshops and marry the first man I see, reading Six of Crows. Haha.

    1. Ahaha sounds like a plan!
      Im so bad at even.. trying to talk to people 🤦🏽‍♀️ I don’t wanna bother them so I awkwardly stand there like « … may I? »

  4. I am very blessed by having a family of readers and as I study english literature and creative writing, a lot of my friends are readers too! Even those who study different things. I am glad because I am quite shy and would have trouble approaching strangers who I see reading… These are great ideas though!

    1. Ahh so lucky indeed, that’s awesome!!
      Yeaah, I have quite the trouble with that too ahaha

  5. Gods be good, I’m wayyyy to introverted to start random conversations with readers. Once in a blue moon someone will initiate a conversation with me, which can be nice, but also-> introvert. My first reaction is always ‘who are you? Why are you talking to me? *Are* you talking to me?’ Sometimes my reaction is more along the lines of ‘why the feck are you bothering me? Can’t you see I’m otherwise engaged?’ especially if it’s a really good book 🤣

    1. Oh noo ahaha 😂 actually it’s the same for me ,which is quite ironic as I kind of work retail.. as i’m required to talk to people… but that’s different!

  6. I definitely agree with the library one! I found a very good friend through there since I recommended a YA fantasy series to her and then the friendship started! Later on fulled by Disney and McDonald’s 😂
    But otherwise I’m a huge supporter of online bookish friends 💜💜

    1. Awww that’s lovely 💕
      Online bookish friends are the best! But sometimes you *may* wanna get out the house and chill with someone a little.. ahaha 😅

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