Who am I ~ tag 👽

Who am I ~ tag 👽

Yeess, I know – I posted one last monday aswell ; But I got tagged in this one by my lovely @Bookstormgirl. We all know how much I love oversharing and do tags / tests like this one – plus I had a last spot open for this month 😄 and thus I couldn’t just not do this one.. #sorrynotsorry !

Thoses are the kind of questions I personally find interresting to talk about! Although it can be hard to actually place it somewhere … So do not hesitate to share yours with me, go read Luana’s answers aswell and consider yourself tagged even if you haven’t been ! 😘

☆ What’s the meaning of my name ? 

What can I say, I’m not a creative one .. I took the exact same name as my booklr over at tumblr ; books (yep. lame for a book blog) & my dogs, which are dachshunds – as I try my best to include them in my pics xD

Now if we go for my real name, eeeeh. I have no idea – anyone know if “Kristina” has a meaning ?


☆ My Myer-Briggs personnality ? [here]

Okay so this one I wasn’t quite sure .. I did had done the test before – But my anxiety was so high at that time that, I asked myself if it was really me or the anxiety talking …

So this was summer time, anxious peak (sorry, french) and THIS is the one I just did.

So, it was who I really am .. but you can see how some numbers has changed a bit from my super anxious phase, to where I am now – which is properly medicated and feeling more happy. And then BAM, compared to all the others (who only moved a tiiny bit), my “judging” has more than doubled compared to last time .. 😳


☆ My zodiac sign?

I am a proud capricorn ! I also memorized my moon sign & rising off my chart (which I said before, but Scorpio moon & Cancer rising) However … a lot more I don’t have in memory yet – all the other planets & the 12houses.


☆ My Hogward house? [Here]

Before I go and do that test, I feel attracted for either ravenclaw or hufflepuff … However I think ravenclaw a bit more. So let’s find out !

one. point. apart .. No wonder I was torn !

Wow ! okay I didn’t saw that one coming ..I guess I am an hufflepuff x)


☆ My learning style ? [here]

Well, okay – that’s interresting .. I actually don’t pay attention of how I do learn 😂 but erhm. My visual being lowest actually don’t surprise me as my eyes have been crap all my life as I got to wear glasses since I was 5 years old .. Would not really had made sense for it to be high ..


☆ Am I right brain of left brained? [here]

First time I got “equally”, which didn’t seemed right as I misread a question; so I did it again & got right brained … which, is my good hand so .. not so surprised.

28 % > 72%


☆ My bloodtype?

O+, same as my dad. Luckily for all of you who is positive, but badly for me; as only Os can give to me ;-;

In some country, this works like horoscope & zodiac do for us; we shall have a “personnality” proper to ours. and I gotta say mine are most time than not on point ..

**edit; actually, this is wrong .. that’s what I had always been told – but i’m actually A+.


☆ My age ?

I am 23, which I some time forget xD darn how do I get that old already?


☆ The career I was meant to have ? [here]

I got writer aswell ! 😂 not sure about the “vast imagination” erm .. however, I can see the skill of language (im bilingual after all, yo xP )


☆ My Divergent fraction ? [here]

Erudite it is ! Which .. yeah, Would make sense for me.


Aaand I won’t tag anyone in particular, but all of you who reached the end is tagged by me ! yep, all of you ! 👿 😘