Why am I wierd | Tag

Heey !
So i’ve been tagged by Anthea @ Proud Book Reviews back in early July, and i’m finally doing it 😅 I spent quite a long time thinking about what I should write for my 10 facts.. ahah — I think I just went way too far with thoses, while some simple things could’ve worked..
It’s also been quite a while since we’ve done some tags with personal “about me” things over here, isn’t it ? So here’s the chance to know more about myself, wether you’re new here of a long-time friend!
*This tag was created by Delly on Twitter, you can also find them at their blog.
Why am I weird tag rules
- List ten weird things about yourself, your life, or silly habits that you wouldn’t normally share
- Tag up to ten people so you can get to know them better
- Link back to the person who tagged you and the creator
- Comment on the posts of people you tagged!
Heres my facts (after much thinking)
- While i’m a book blogger, I can’t do recommendations posts for the life of me. Specially the “If you like that, then you’ll like this” or even the themed one.. I just can’t think of any ..
- I really like vinegar. In my teens I even had a phase I would put vinegar on EVERYTHING 😂 Fries (still do), rice, chicken ..
- Talking of vinegar – I have no idea where the actual recipe came from.. It was just something my dad’s mother used to do which my own mother now do for us; Sausages marinated in vinegar with sugar, spices and onions. Yes, we do eat them on their own, 2-3 at a time. Never encountered anyone EVER also doing it..
- I have this “anxiety thing” where before going/coming home from anywhere, I would open my wallet and count down if I have my most important cards (I have four). So i’d just casually sit there, open my wallet, and go « One, two, three, four .. okay! » to close it right back and put it in my bag. Often doing it more than once in a row – mom used to laugh at me while i’d do it xd mind you, she’s now gotten that little habit from me, ahah !
- I’m a Crazy Dachshunds Momma, that you can probably tell as much .. but i’d go as far as refer myself as one of them. Often saying I stretch like a weein or do something just like them.
- Talking of dachshunds – myself and mom has the hobby of going shopping and specifically searching for ANYTHING with a dachshund on it. Screaming is involved whenever one of us find something 🙈 and of course, pictures for showing our fb group of fellow dachshunds parents what we discovered/where they can get them. Also known as being an Obsessive Dachshund Collector.
- While I have clearly enough memory on my phone/mac, I can’t keep myself from deleting things.. especially pictures. I take one, and if i’m not liking it 100% it just bothers me and bothers me until I go and delete it.
- I shrug at myself a lot 😂 all you can see from the outside is just me being absolutely silent, and randomly shrugging ahaha… happens quite often at work, specially. But also if i’m reading something, or even trying to find a word in specific.. I just get so in my thoughts than I physically shrug 🤷🏽♀️
- Along with the shrugging, I make random noises aswell while im working. Specially as i’m near a coworker to signal my presence so they don’t bump into me with an hot drink or something, though I do have other “reasons” to my noise, that I honestly can’t think of right now xD
- Mr. Noodles are my comfort food of choice, I often just crave the salt of them — oh, but I don’t bother to “make” them on the stove and stuff. Nah. Eating them straight out of the bag like in my good ol’ days..
I’d be curious to know which one of my list was your favorite/was the wierdest to you 😂
Tagging everyone who wanna do it aswell!
Oh my god! My mom used to snap at me because of my vinegar obsession. She used to think I was drinking it! I put it on everything from mashed potatoes to chicken. I think she was going to take me to the doctor to see if I had some kind of vitamin deficiency at some point lol.
Oh yea, I put it on mashed potatoes too!! My dad actually LOVED vinegar aswell so- ahahah
Vinegar + fries is such a delicious combination! I’m happy to see someone else enjoys it like I do! 😆
Iknow!! My dad actually do it too 😘 but then again we both eat sausages « drown » in vinegar so.. 😂
I do number four to! But it’s actually a really good idea cause I tend to take my wallet out of my purse to much and forget my bank card a lot so I tell myself I’m saving time 🙂
I haven’t seen this tag around. Lots of fun!
better over-look for it than forgetting it somewhere, eh xD
I love these! I’m glad you chose to join in!
Ah good!
It was so hard to find things ahaha 😂🙈
AHH, vinegar and fries sounds like a weird combo but since you sem to really like, I think I will give it a go!
Nooo.. perfect combo! I was surprised how many people did it too xD
XD XD XD I get the shrugging thing. A lot of the time I’ll be daydreaming and having a conversation in my head between my characters and scenes that I want to write in a book or I’ll be going through random scenes that I saw in a movie or something and I’ll get really into it and make really weird facial expressions without even realizing it. And then my mom will look at me weird and she keeps asking me what I’m thinking about and then I don’t want to tell her cuz it’s so hard to explain and it’s so embarrassing. XD
Ahahahah happy to know im not the only one! 😂😂 must be so odd/funny to look at.