Will I accomplish my Goodreads challenge ?

Will I accomplish my Goodreads challenge ?

Hello everyone !

So, we are only a few weeks left in 2017 already .. And to all of you that have a goodreads know that you have this little “challenge” every years where you can put how many books you wanna read within the year and it counts all books that you will mark as “read” so you can see how far you’ve become and everything, which is kinda neat if you ask me !

Now, I started my booklr in July/August .. which is kinda late within the year, and had no idea this was even a thing beforehand. That being said, I originally put 25books – to have a goal “like everyone else” but soon saw it wasn’t quite achievable for me, as im still recovering from a lack of concentration/the impact my mental health had on it/Book slump, etc.. So I lowered to 10 in fear of not being able to reach that many and that it could depress me even more (as i’m not too proud on how my reading took a hit and isn’t as I know it was before).

Within’ this period, I DNF’ed quite a lot of books.. leading to only 5 of them being finished & reviewed. And as explained in my post “Why i’ve been lacking”, I don’t think I would be able to read 5 more books in such that short amount of time 😪but that’s okay ! Let just hope things gets better and i’d try again with more time next year (or even with a lower goal).here’s my goodreads stats for this year, in case you would be curious !


Did you participated in a Goodreads 2017 challenge ? If so did you completed it or no ?
let me know in the comments  xx