Witchcraft & Monsters ~ Kala Godin ☆ Poetry review

**Disclamer: I did received this book via NetGalley. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.** 

Good morning !

We’re having another poetry book review, today ! When I found this book on NetGalley, I was attracted by the pretty cover right away 😍 Then of course the actual synopsis of this poetry book looked really good so I requested it !

Published on January 21st by Patchwork Press

4 / 5 stars !
Goodread’s page

Though some poems were not ringing to me personally, i found most of them really beautiful and had to re-read them more than once, enjoying them a few more times. I quite liked how short this book was, and how much diversity in themes this contained- yet they all tied together perfectly in harmony and emotions.

The part two, the one based on fairytales, was quite interesting and some of them took me a while to identify what fairytale it was belonging to. Nonetheless I very liked that part aswell !

Favorite Poems;
Part One – Love potions, Pyro, The fall of angels
Part Five – Small absolutes, shipwreck and salt water 

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