You belong in the book community, no matter what! 💕

Good morning,

I’m gonna have this «Bloggers’ Reminder» kind of post today, because frankly I know how I need it; so possibly others would need it as well !


October is a harsh month, wether you’re fighting with mental illnesses or not- it’s a period of transition between the nice days to cold ones if you are in the same hemisphere as me, aswell as days going darker. Because most of the students are going back to school, September/October might be harsh in the workplace aswell (I know mine did!).

As I shared in my October Update, I’ve not been feeling my best this month; although I am feeling a better now, my inspiration for posts is still dry and most of the time i’d want to relax by doing something else, mostly gaming.. I’m still present and bloghop a small amount daily (not as much as I used to, but still not nothing), and the most i’ve read is usually only a chapter before sleep.

Seeing other bloggers’ going on full spin with amazing contents and reading a lot of books while I’m struggling to finish this ONE can be deceiving.. Feeling guilty that I STILL can’t think of much for my posts, or that I don’t read enough and had only finished one book in all of october so far (which, the last one took me a whole MONTH; and i’m halfway in my current read). Times like this, I do feel like i’m bad at book blogging.


You know what? it’s okay to struggle sometimes. If that’s what you feel is right for you, it’s absolutely okay to take a break from blogging aswell! Taking a break or even pushing through some hard times blogging like i’m doing doesn’t make you any less of a good blogger.

We are typically the only ones who’s being that harsh on ourselves; the community in general is always loving and don’t care that you take a break, or even that you drop your posts in half, as long as you’re okay. They will always welcome you with open arms after the rough patch passes.

Being a book blogger isn’t only about how many books we read, or how many reviews we posts. Sure, there is a common love for books “required”, but it’s also about YOU — there’s many other different kinds of posts you can make books related, or even diversify and NOT have them book related at all for a while .. Nobody will police you for doing what you want on your blog, and you’ll always be a part of this amazing book blogging community; as long as you want to! ❤️


Have you felt down a rough patch for blogging lately?
Do you have any tips for us?


  1. this is a beautiful post! its super important to remember, i nearly burnt myself out this month whilst trying to manage everything and then remember hey im important too.

    1. Thank you Lauren xx
      We forget that so much .. we do need a reminder sometimes. It’s good that everything is done, but it’s not worth the expense of over-burning yourself and getting sick! (basically me rn xd)

  2. I am sorry to hear October has been so hard for you and hopefully you will be feeling better soon <3 And yes, this is such a good reminder! I have been reading but I have been infrequent with posting on my blog and I need to remember it's still all okay.

  3. Kristina!!!! This is such a good post! There’s always times where it’s a bit hard to do the things you love, even if it usually does bring you joy and happiness and all that. And you’re not bad at blogging, especially if you’ve had a bad month. I hope you’re feeling better soon as you’re a great blogger!

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