October Update⎥On work and mental health

October Update⎥On work and mental health

Hello my friends..

This is one of the two posts I had started to write and then delete before going ahead and settle with my «Finally Fall Tag» instead; because well .. sometimes I’m like “well.. who’d really care about that?” and “how much do you wanna share on social medias …?” kind of stuff. But you know what? After reading Gail’s «Am I Crazy?» post, I do feel like speaking my mind and sharing too.

** At this point, I think I really should gather all my monthly updates in one place 😂 they’ll gather in my writtings, under “personal updates”.. instead of shoving them all in “off topics”.


To be completely honest with you, October has been kinda tough; even if it’s not even over yet xD Autumn is usually my favorite season.. and this year it doesn’t even feel like autumn at all – No spooky feeling, I haven’t even watched any horror yet (!!).. the trees did changed color, but that’s it. The colder weather than usual mixed with my next point hasn’t helped at all, I imagine..


I haven’t been feeling too well this month either. Work is putting some extra stress on me as I have to do some closings now – which, I get out 40mins after my closing and don’t even get to finish all that I have to do !! Because I get constant customers/not enough help with my cleaning and as I’m a really perfectionist person .. you can bet that’s bothering me that I can’t do all that I know i’m supposed to do. In rougher days, I get anxiety attacks for a day or two out of the week – not “huge ones” where I’d stop functioning, but big enough to make me wanna burst crying and give up.

Added to that, the fact that for the past month i’ve been running on working 6 days on 7, and I didn’t really had much “rest days” since, before going full spin onto that closing-panic. I’m sure fatigue must have a strong impact on how much I can handle.. maybe it would be better after i’d rest two full days in a row instead of one day off? Most probably.


Because there’s really been alot going on right now, all at the same time (because of course 😂 ), I’m not completely over my breakup. Which make sense, although we didn’t saw each other much, it had been a whole year of being with someone and that person being your world when suddently “Hey… well, you’re on your own now.”

Between mid-nights anxieties, It still gets to me; it’s a presence that’s not really there anymore. And I did had a thought how I was so much more happier with him, before all this crap started happening… and then I get random thoughts of light, like this one;

Capture d’écran 2019-10-17 à 22.48.42
Screenshot as I still has no idea how to embed a twitter link.. 


All that to say that i’ve been slacking off on pretty much everything this past month .. I stopped exercising, my blog-hopping has took a hit, aswell as my post ideas that’s running pretty dry..

I’ve still finished only one book this past month, and aren’t even in the mid of my current read (which was a review request I took in July) as well – although my reading took the less hit, really I’ve just been wanting to nap and play on my switch..


This has been pretty long already, so i’m gonna stop there for this one..
How was your October?

8 thoughts on “October Update⎥On work and mental health

  1. You are definitely not alone. October has been such a wild month for me, I feel like I’ve barely taken the time to do the things I like. Please be sure to take care of yourself as best you can, it’s so easy to fall behind when you get tired. Also my DM’s are always open if you need someone to listen!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Em! The irony of it, I actually feel good on the day this posts 😂😂 (for now anyway, work might fuck me over with stress)

      Same goes to you, dear 💕 please take care of yourself aswell and i’m there aswell if you need someone to talk or just vent to! Xx

  2. Yeah October’s usually such a great month and I just feel not awful but like I’m in a rut. Reading, watching stuff, life. Hopefully it will look up for all of us soon!

    I used to hate closing as well. I’d sit around for most of the night with no customers and then the last half hour man… I had to bite my tongue to keep from yelling at people what have you been doing while I’ve been sitting here? 🙂

    1. Yeah.. fall/winter months are the worst as the sun declines and we change time so it’s darker earlier 🙃 Definately NOT looking forward to the cold in the morning (and well.. all the time ahaha)

      For me it’s the opposite! We have so much stuff to clean and prepare for the day after that I just wanna have some slow nights, you feel me? But nooo.. i get huge rushes and just, people everywhere 😂 So I get to leave 45/50mins after close because I had way too much people to do my stuff

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