Month: November 2018

How I use my BuJo & Pros / Cons

Good morning, If you are like me, you might be wary of actually starting a Bullet Journal even though you’d want to; just because you aren’t sure of what you could do with it.. Well! As I do some little things a bit differently (specially in my weekly spreads), I ….

Why do I write? 🖤

It’s a “known” fact that most of us bloggers do write, or wanna write; for most of us, it’s fan fictions, poems, or even stories we’d love to eventually see as a novel.

End of October, Start of November

The start of a new month, yet again ! This year as gone so fast we only have 2months left to 2018.. wow. “Soon” i’ll be celebrating my 24th birthday.. 😥 As last month we were celebrating #Blogoween here on the blog, that’s why my Bujo post has been postponed to ….