Year: 2018

One lovely blog award ❤

Oh hey! I got nominated for another award ! eeeek, Thank you so so so so much Holly @ Nutfreenerd! ✨ Go check her lovely facts about her or generally a look to that awesome blog. The rules; Thank the person who nominated you for the award Display the banner/sticker/logo on your ….

2018 bookish goals; how is it so far ? 🔮​

Hello, hello all you lovely people !! The first month of 2018 already passed us by, how crazy is that ?! 😨 maan how time is passing fast .. How about we check together how I did in my goals so far ? I don’t plan on doing ​this regularly every month, however i’m ….

100 followers ?! // Chit Chat Thursdays ♥

Hello all my lovely people !! Im sorry, I’ve been quite sick for this past week or so and I don’t have any in dept ideas for the moment.. 😅 So I thought to add a little category here, which can almost replace “myself”, but I thought we could have littles “Chit ….

A to Z Bookish tag~

Helloo ! Thank you to Sha at moonlight pages for tagging me for this one, I see some harder questions on there so let’s see how I do .. hahah Each questions start with a letter of the alphabet, from A going all the way to Z – hence the ….

In a dark dark wood, by ruth ware ☆ review

Heello peeps ! Finally another review.. It had been quite a while since the last one .. I will be experimenting with different formats until I find which one I like better, so feel free to let me know what you think of it and/or if you have suggestions on what ….

My struggles as an int. blogger ..

** This post will mainly be about my experience and feelings; However I’ll include is as a try on conversation post if yall wanna converse with what YOU struggle with as an internationnal book blogger. ** Welcome back, everyone ! So, as many of us know – we don’t all ….

The Liebster award 🎈​

Thank you so much @Fanna to have tagged me last week! <3 (pin point last monday ! hahah neat)   Here the rules; Answer the 11 questions that you’ve been asked. Nominate 11 other bloggers. Ask your nominees 11 questions. Let them know you nominated them.