2019 Book Blogger Awards ~ My nominations! 💫

Heya folks !!

So i’ve talked to you in my Bujo post about May hosting the third annual Book Bloggers Awards 2019 – and somehow I absolutely forgot about my nominations !!! How could I ?! Thanksfully though, I stumbled on Meeghan’s nominations while bloghopping just before leaving for vacation; allowing me to Schedule it to post today. Right in time before it ends on July 20th (which is when I shall be back from said vacations).

For the rules and the full list of the 22 awards (as I doubt i’d be able to do each of them..), please feel free to go visit May’s post as linked above, and if you have some time, go check out Meeghan’s nominations aswell! Credits for the graphic used goes to May, I only tweaked it to fit on my cover backgrounds. ☺️


Best Pre-Teen/Teen Book Bloggers (13-18)

  • Clo @ Book Dragons ➔ Though she just came back from a 2months hiatus, Clo is just such an amazing blogger. She’s worked with Sam @ Fictionally Sam to create our quarterly “Bookend events” for each seasons, allowing us bloggers to get closer together and bring our community to have fun and communicate more. She also made an amazing “book blogging 101” serie. I just love her so much, being always so invested within our book blogging community/discords.


Best Adult Book Bloggers (20+)

  • Definately Beth @ BooksNest ➔ Varying her contents from books, to mental health, to even traveling.. I just find her informatives blog posts so helpful and her conversations posts are really amazing. There’s never one time where I stumble on her blog and I don’t find a post that I love!


Best Romance Genre Blogger

  • Sophie @ Beware the reader ➔ Absolutely agreeing with Meeghan on this one! Although all of her posts are basically hilarious, you just cannot think of romance without thinking of Sophie!


Best Book Reviews 

  • Dani @ Perspective of a Writer ➔ No matter what book her review is about, she always manage to make them seems appealing to me whenever I read one! She doesn’t only share her experience with the book; but what made her pick it up, the premise, aswell as some bullet points as of why you might like it aswell! Definately more on the longer side of posts, but she does them so well with different little sections.


Best Discussions Posts

  •  Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books ➔ Okay, Technically her whole blog is truly amazing! But her discussions posts!! I truly look up to her, hers are always so nicely said and explained and, just wholesome ideas!


Most Engaged in the Community

  •  Evelina @ Avalinah’s Books ➔ Though I also had another blogger on the back of my mind, it really does belong to Evelina! Not only has she started A discord server for “New bloggers”, which was SO helpful for me and i’m so glad I joined it; she also had created one for international bloggers aswell. And finally, She has a feature for #NewBloggersWelcome; where she introduces us to newer book bloggers in our community. Overall, she’s always trying to get our community closer together, and she really is a sweetie ❤️


Best at Promoting Diverse Books

  • Michelle @ Michelle likes things ➔ Again, Agreeing with Meeghan! I’m thinking specially with her #PrideLibrary19 series of posts. She truly did a good job promoting as many diverse books as she could, as always!



So this was my set of nominations! Do you agree with my choices? Like probably everyone, I find nominating people so hard.. you have to choose one person (or a few) among a sea of bloggers! Also i’m sorry that i’m not quite the best at explaining the “why’s” 😅

Although I haven’t nominated you, I do love everyone i’m friends with, or regularly comment on their blogs. You are all lovely and awesome, this is probably the best community I’ve been a part of! xx


  1. Aahh Kristina!! Thank you so much for participating in the awards! And your explanations for the “why”s were so sweet and well-written, don’t worry about it at all 💖 I definitely will be checking out a few of the blogs you mentioned that I don’t follow yet!!

    1. Aww thank you! 🥰 It was pretty short and sweet, of course upon writting the post I had forgotten what I wanted to say ahah

  2. Great nominations! I’ll have to check out some of the blogs/bloggers I haven’t been to yet and definitely agree with Clo and Michelle <3

    1. Yaay ❤️
      Most of us nominated quite the same people 😂 with a sprinkle of bloggers we aren’t familiar with

  3. I know everyone on this nomination list of yours and I completely agree with your choices and recommendations x I love your reasoning for choosing them as well. Hope they win ^.^

    1. Of course you made my list! 💕 you are definately one of the bloggers I’d aspire to be!

  4. Good luck for all these bloggers! Definitely agree with Evelina’s nomination, I nominated her for that as well!

  5. I’ve been quite out of the loop with blogging lately (I’ve been busy moving house!), and so I didn’t even know the Book Blogger Awards was happening until a couple of days ago, but I’m loving everyone’s posts and have already discovered loads of great new blogs!
    I’m familiar with some of your nominations and totally agree with you, but there’s a couple of new-to-me blogs on here that I’ll be checking out! 🙂

    1. Aww that’s okay – moving does take alot of time.. hoping you’re almost settled into your new house now and liking it!
      Yaay! Always seems to have a few discoveries on every posts, eh?

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