Month: March 2019

End of March, Early April! 🌷

Another month has passed us by already. But that means… SPRING! (hopefully) so warmer weather shall be coming and also Bookending Spring event is starting aswell !! *Screams* 😍 > If you have no idea what i’m talking about, please visit Sam’s announcement post ASAP to read that and hopefully ….

Night and Day Book Tag !!

Heey ! Seems like we did way less tags than usual this month, eh ? So I thought why not have one last one before it ends.. ahah — I found it on Lanie @ NeverandaDaily and thought this would be just the perfect tag for me. As always, being tagged ….

Books i’d wanna read as Audio Books

I sadly haven’t tried audio books yet; Either because I have no idea where to start, or because I fear of picking the wrong reader and mess up my whole first impression.. However, I have thoses books where I’d love to try with that format – either because I think ….

Sims 4 – Strangetown ☆ My impressions

Heey! As you should know, i’m quite the sims addict ever since I’ve played the very first one when I was younger. I yet again splurged on a pack and then thought; “hey. Wait a second… why don’t I do reviews of thoses??” So here I am! My last purchase ….

Micro Brew; Spring Cleaning (Prompt #2)

Good morning! We are here again with the second prompt of March’s theme “Micro Brew Spring Cleaning” (March 18) – [from Lauren at NorthernPlunder] Reflect on your blogging thus far. Is it going the way you thought it would? Are you seeing an improvement? What could your followers do to help? What direction ….

Do I take part in Read-a-thons?

Heey ! So, I got this conversation post’s idea by scrolling in one on my book/blogging discords actually ! First, we may need to know what a read-a-thon is.. Basically, it is like a “race” where the people taking part in it try to read as many pages or books ….

Down the TBR Hole (1) ! 👀

Hey! So finally, after saying how I should do this everywhere — Here’s my first “Down the tbr hole!” post ! 👏🏼 we’ll start talking about the physical books i’ve un-hauled recently, and then we’ll move on with my “virtual wanna read” shelf on goodread; totalling ten books. Down The ….

What were we doing before Blogging?

We all know blogging take away some of our time; Writing and scheduling posts, thinking of what we can write, follow and comment of some of our fellow’s contents … Depending onto how often you do thoses things, the amount of time dedicated to that activity can be quite alot! ….

Micro Brew ; Spring Cleaning (prompt #1)

Heeya ! We are quite a bit late this time, but here’s the first prompt of March’s theme “Micro Brew Spring Cleaning” (March 4) –  [from Anthony over at KeepReadingForward] What book would you die on a hill for? What makes it so special to you? Is there something about it ….