Good Morning, Loves! It’s it the time, y’all — the month of love is upon us ..Or not. We’ve already been a full month into 2020! Wow, this month felt both long and short somehow… and yet you’ll see that I actually haven’t done much. 🙈 January’s Habit Tracker; ….
Month: January 2020
Good morning! Yep, this definately became a thing on here, ahaha! If you missed the other Blogging with Anxiety serie of posts, i’ve also talked about The Post Paranoïa & Content Wise. Although I wouldn’t say that I pay too much attention to the blog stats, I do check them from ….
Good Morning, peeps ! Although I curiously peek at other bloggers’ Book Hauls, you’d know this is not usually the type of contents that I post myself – just because my hauls tend to be only 1-2books every couple of months so I don’t think it’s enough to do a ….
Hello! So after having written one “blogging with anxiety” post about the before/during and after of postings [which you can find here!], I decided to go on and continue on that launch and talk about the blog’s content in general! Although we all know by now that i’ve broaded ….
Good morning! I’ve come to the realization that thoses little panics might more be related to having anxiety instead of the whole “being a blogger” experience. But I wanted to share my little stressing bits about my postings overall and see if it’s more common that I might think! Disclaimer; ….
So I have no idea if that’s a common thing with series, as to be honest with y’all, I haven’t read many of them… But if you remember, one of my favorite teenager years’ serie that I’ve grown up and LOVED published the 9th book of the serie in October ….
We all know, book blogging is way more than blogs being solely review-based. There’s been countless of discussions about that; and if you’re like me, book blogs that are more “diverse” in term of contents is way more interesting for us. Beside reviews; one can have countless ideas upon conversation ….
Hello my people! You might remember this twitter status I did back when we turned into the new year; as i’m unfortunately not one to have many real life reader friends that I can just hang out with and gush about books. I see some people have within our community, ….
Good morning! This book may or may not have been bought 1-2years ago because the cover was so appealing! Simplistic.. but so pretty too. And then other books caught my attention, and yeah.. it took the back burner for a while 🙈 I picked it up although I wasn’t so ….
** Warning; this post will contain mention of suicidal thoughts. Though nothing graphic nor any actual “attempts” information. Please proceed with caution ** Good morning, Something a bit un-usual for me today, I’ve just wanted to share something a little more personal and talk more about it — just because ….