Month: December 2020

Bujo post & News ~ December/January edition

2020 is finally coming to an end! It somehow feels so surreal to me.. Since I’ve became an adult and got out of School & College, years seemed to pass WAY quicker than they used to. This one though ? Probably the longest year i’ve experienced since forever!     ….

2021 reading challenges!

Welcome everyone! The year is almost over.. thus we can *start* to decide what our reading challenges will be for 2021!   Goodread challenge I’m still using Goodread, so i’m gonna keep doing their yearly challenge for 2021; as of which i’m gonna keep at 20, just like this year, ….

Sunday Chat — It’s my birthday!! 🧁

Heello Hello! I hope you’ve all got good holidays, or a good day if you don’t celebrate ❤️ As you can see by the title, today i’m turning 26!! I try to do a little something “special” on here every year; but I was quite pleased that it falled on a ….

Bookish Christmas Book tag!

Helloo! It still sounds surreal to me how Christmas is only 4days away now; 6 before my birthday.. yep – we started the countdown! As I was searching for a Christmas tag to do today, I actually found one I was actually tagged in! 😂 Surprising, eh? Thanks to Jamsu @ Jamsu Dreams ….

2021 Plans, Goals & Dreams

Here we are again, surpassing the 3 blog posts for BEWinter — this being the 4th one we made this year 😄 I gotta say, i’m absolutely lost in time.. really not feeling the end of year fastly approaching along with Christmas and my birthday (turning 26! eek!), so I ….

Positives 2020 reflexions

Good morning, Although it has been a tough year for us all, it’s always a good thing to try to find some positives aspects of everything. I’ve also posted the five things i’m thanksful for in the event of Thanksgiving this year, but let’s look at the more bigger portrait.   We ….

#5OnMyTBR ⇒ Animals

Good morning! Here we are with a new meme, that I had on my radar for a while now, but just now started as maybe the last prompts wasn’t giving me much inspiration an/or I actually don’t have much of on my tbr 😅 This one however, ohh I have LOTS ….

Books under the tree tag!

Good morning! We have a bookish festive tag for you today! 😘 As always, I wasn’t tagged for this, I “stole” it from Caro @ bookcheshirecat. It was created by Jessica & Christeena @ Game of Tomes on booktube.   1. What book would you like to find under the tree this ….