Year: 2020

My first experience with Audiobooks !

After years of saying that I shall try an audiobook sometimes, for years (basically since I’ve started blogging!) I finally followed my words and started one !!   It took me two separate times to set my mind on one .. I’ve been wanting to rent one from my library ….

Do you wander in other niches while bloghopping?

Good morning! As we all know, bloghopping (aka going and commenting on other’s blog) is not only a great way to interact and make some friends, but is also great to bring on more people onto our own blogs. As book bloggers, sometimes it seems like we all have our ….

Happy stories in times of pandemic

Hello, and Happy easter everyone ❤️ This post is coming to you WAY later than usual; just because I came home yesterday absolutely brain fried, and earlier this morning I had a headache and I still needed a few hours of sleep 😅 But here I am now, and in ….

Mental health & Isolation/Quarantine

This pandemic can be quite scary, but sometimes what’s inside our head can be even scarier.. and we all know that staying home for social distancing/Isolation or Quarantine will most definately affect us mentally aswell – even if it’s for a “good cause” of not getting sick. * I’ve recently ….

Your thoughts on featured images?

Hello peeps ! Ithink we all know how important adding featured images onto posts is important… but how important exactly? What kind is better ? Is it worth making a new one every single time, or does the “category” ones works fine?   I actually asked myself thoses questions while ….

Smile for the Shelfie!

Good morning! Bookending Spring has finally started ! So here we are with our first post. 🌸   Today’s topic is from Sam @ Fictionally Sam (Hosting April 1-5th), for April 4th — the prompt post, her post ; Smile for the Shelfie! Take a picture of your bookshelves and/or stacks and ….

No One Here is Lonely ~ Sarah Everett ☆ Review

Good morning! This novel took me quite the longest time to read 😅 Not because of it in itself, but you know.. New Horizon launched so I had been mostly playing and pushing reading to only before bed and… *aherm*.  Keep in mind that this novel includes a death by car ….

End of March, Early april 🌷

Hello people! Just like February, it seemed like March went on forever .. While our lockdown actually just started about mid-March, my work still hasn’t closed down as of yet (I wonder if this will ever actually end 🤦🏽‍♀️ though of course all things must end at some point). GOOD NEWS ….

Learning to let go

The concept of letting go, and being able to do it, is quite an important thing to have; specially during times like we’re currently facing. I’ve always been envious of thoses for whom it seems so easy to just shrug everything off.   You may not be able to tell ….