2021 reading challenges!

2021 reading challenges!

Welcome everyone!

The year is almost over.. thus we can *start* to decide what our reading challenges will be for 2021!


Goodread challenge

I’m still using Goodread, so i’m gonna keep doing their yearly challenge for 2021; as of which i’m gonna keep at 20, just like this year, as I don’t feel like pressuring myself..

I am currently sitting at 25/20, so Iknow it is a number that I can reach fairly easy.



BTB-20201-twitter-banner (1)

#Beat the Backlist, hosted by NovelKnight

I’ve tried this one back in 2019, but failed miserably as it happened to be the year I discovered arcs & got access to Netgalley πŸ˜… With the excitement from that being gone now, and how I rarely use it anymore (still one arc remaining though), ithink it’s a good time to try it again!

My unread shelf is getting pretty packed, not taking in my future Xmas/Bday haul, so ithink this challenge can help me for that! It’s without saying that most of what I read shall be fitting in the bracket of “being published in 2020 or prior”, i’m gonna aim for only 10 out of my 20 Original GR goal.. just to be safe!

** As we don’t need to originally own the book in the first place, it has the potential of still being done while I keep splurging money on more books 😈  …after I knocked a few that were originally on it *aherm*




Audiobook Challenge, hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer & That’s what i’m talking about

Adding a brand new challenge on my list that i’ve never attempted before! As I tried my first audiobook in 2020 (which had been geekerella, that I adored), I feel like trying to get this format some chance. I’m gonna use my libby app for this one, as they have a pretty good selection of them — and I also got a good pair of bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones for Christmas that I can use for that, so ithink they can be pretty neat in audiobook listening! 😊 Β (hoping to be less distracted when trying to audio read.. rofl).

Furthermore, I am now driving to work and back as I got my liscence .. it’s only a 15min-ish drive, but I can always try to go for a quick reading session if it allows me via the car’s bluetooth connexion.

As I have no idea how this is even gonna turn out, I’ll be aiming for Level 1, Newbie (1-5 books).


As I decided pretty late to do the challenge, I add to sort of.. made it fit wierdly xd I also thought of adding a “bonus” field for me to track them should I go beyond the original 20books goal.



Are you planning on joining some challenge in 2021? Which ones?

10 thoughts on “2021 reading challenges!

  1. Oooh, I should definitely try the beat the backlist challenge ! It sounds like a fun one, and a good way to focus a little less on new releases only 😊

    1. Yeah! 😊 Now there was another one from the quiet pond that focused on the ones from your shelves but I went with BTB instead … so I can still buy more! ahahah

  2. Good luck with your reading challenges this year! I haven’t decided yet, but I am thinking about setting my Goodreads goal for this year at 52, for about one per week. I also need to make progress on backlist books because my TBR is also rapidly growing! I made a list in my bullet journal of just some books off the top of my head that I wanted to read from this year and didn’t get to, and it was already easily over 50 haha.
    claire @ clairefy

    1. Oh yeah – so many books awaiting us !! I find it especially difficult to pick which ones we wanna buy/read in the moment.. ahaha

    1. Fair enough!
      I’d say that most of what I read is backlist anyway.. but ithink I got to rent some early 2020 from my library; im honestly surprise by some newly added sometimes! And then arcs gets the best of me, even when I don’t use netgalley anymore πŸ˜…

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