Year: 2021

The blogger’s block struggles

A Blogger’s block (or blogging block) is exactly the same thing as a writer’s block; except, well, for blogging. We undeniably all go through it at some points in our blogging “career”, having different cures depending on the reason behind your block. There’s multiple reasons, and you may tend to ….

My Summer TBR

Good morning! We had quite some success with the spring TBR — so it’s time to make a new one for Summer! As a mood reader, I quite like the seasonal TBRs better than the monthly ones; Having only a few books for a few months allows me to read ….

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books that made me crave more!

Good morning! We’re back with TTT, which we haven’t done since the Spring TBR 😅  I just saw this topic and instantly wanted to do it!   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It ….

End of Spring book haul!

Good morning! Time for another book haul 😁 As I went on and had a productive day of errands before my Covid vaccine last week, I finally had the opportunity to step into our bookstore again! My unread shelf had quite shrinked in the last month(s), so I was quite due ….

Bujo post & news ~ May/June

Good morning! Yet again another month is starting – i’m happy that we have gotten most warm days lately, albeit lots of rain too.. and only a fewer colder days.   May’s overall feeling; I’ve been feeling mostly good this month! Though i’ve gotten some bothering feeling in my legs/ankle ….

My Anxiety comfort items

Sometimes when you have anxiety (or other mental health trouble), some items or rather your relation to specific items can help you in your day-to-day life.   Although I kinda use blankets to hold onto at home, thoses are mostly portable things that I can grab and/or wear outside of ….

Blogging with Anxiety; Feeling like a broken record

Have you ever wanted to talk about something, but feeling like you had already? Although despite looking through your blog you can’t find anything similar at all?   My other “Blogging with Anxiety” posts; Feeling we’re not enough // Content Wise // Stats // Posts Paranoïa // Have I posted this before? // Can I Say that? // Missing A Post // Tags // Not a “good ….