30 spooky Halloween Questions Tag!!

30 spooky Halloween Questions Tag!!

Heey !

Haven’t done much tag since we’ve been in #blogoween, eh ? I actually had tried to write a made-up something for a haunted sexshop “legend” but ehhhh.. didn’t worked as planned so have this instead while I think of something 😂

So I found this on @MadameWriter‘s blog ! And I kinda liked it so knowing me, I stole it. We will be doing things a bit different here, as I have Alex with me and we will be answering together !! [So; K for myself, and A for him]

1. Favourite horror or Halloween-themed song?

K; Only thing I have in mind is the “This is Halloween” one .. so eh xD

A; The Halloween theme song

2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.

K; A corpse ?..

A; Dead body.

3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?

K; Nope.. and don’t really want to

A; Yep (possible post!)

4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

K; Don’t have any.

A; Jigsaw

5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?


A; [link to ghost experience post]

6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?

K; Hell yeah. I love thoses things.

A; Depend if alone or not.

7. Are you superstitious?

K; Nah.

A; Yeah with some things

8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?

K; No

A; Sometimes

9. Which urban legend scares you the most?

K; I love them, I don’t get scared by them

A; Same

10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

K; Thrillers for me; gore don’t really do anything x) just “eh”

A; both !

11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?

K; I guess, yeah

A; yeah

12. Ever made a potion of any sort?

K; When I was a child I used to make some mix of mushroom and stuff from the woods beside our house in my bucket x) and kinda “play eat” it (just .. toss it back on the ground)

A; do gummy kids science mix counts ? 😂

13. Do you get scared easily?

K; Yeaaah ..

A; Somewhat, fear triggers punches

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?

K; no, wouldve been too scared

A; many times

15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?

K; Demons yes, but no little red guy devil in hell.

A; yes

16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?

K; Hide under a blanket or something x)

A; Cautiously stare at the door

17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

K; Silent Hill ? either hide or just not go there, you know..

A; Chucky, it made me laugh

18. If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?

K; Any Zelda characters

A; Bed sheet ghost

19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

K; mmmh… I could, but not on my own

A; done it before

20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?

K; ..*not into zombie apocalypse*. Let me just pick a master sword and die xd

A; A tank

21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?

K; Partyy

A; Drunk trick-or-treating, free candy !

22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?

K; I’m dying first, honestly..

A; Probably comic relief and/or killer

23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?

K; No they don’t scare me “long lasting”- just in the moment.

A; No

24. Whilst watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep

K; you should know im yelling at everyone

A; Neither, trying to figure out what’s going on

25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?

K; I get scared alot

A; Do the scaring

26. Favorite scary book?

K; Haven’t read much of thoses ..only one horror so far. which wasn’t as good as I wouldve had wanted.

A; Anything by Stephen King

 27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

K; I was old… like, 12. and I didn’t even wanted to so didn’t watched full movies until after High School

A; like, 7.

28. What was your first Halloween costume?

K; Im pretty sure it was a cow.

A; No idea.. maybe Scooby-doo ?

29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year

K; probly link again x) [insert Halloween costume/cosplay post here]

A; Super Saiyan Blue Goku

30. If you could have a spooky halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick?

K; Torn between the owl and the bat ..

A; Crow, because it’s a pain in the ass

Of course everyone who read this is tagged !! 

What would some of your answers would be ?

Did you liked having both mines & Alex’s answers; shall we do this again ? 😘