What spooky creature are you ?

What spooky creature are you ?

Here it is, my 13th #blogoween post !! I’ve officially accomplished level one !!

This Quizz is by Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts, feel free to hop onto her blog and do it aswell ! lots of fun 😉

The way we will do this, I will color my answer in purple ; as well as include my result at the bottom of the post. Feel free to play along with me too ! But be aware that you may need to hover to Sophia’s blog if you have a different result than me.

1. Would you rather be in:

  1. A cemetery surrounded by nothing else but tombstones.
  2. The forest in the dark of night.
  3. The bathroom mirror, the fireplace – you prefer being in any one place.
  4. The abandoned basement of an old house.

2. Your favorite monstrous food consists of:

  1. Brains… or blood for that matter. You’ll resort to cannibalism if you have to.
  2. Souls, because the thought of eating brains or blood isn’t enough to fulfill you.
  3. You don’t want blood, brains or souls – you prefer feeding on the fears of your victims.
  4. Nothing at all… who has time to eat when you’ve got spying to do!

3. Are you scary when you’re angry?

  1. Only when I show my teeth or claws and move closer to my victim.
  2. What, my shadow doesn’t look scary yet?
  3. Angry revenge is best served quiet.
  4. Anger? What anger?

4. You’re invited to a party. The first place you make a beeline to is:

  1. Straight out the door and into the dark.
  2. The wall, where you can observe the actions of the people around you.
  3. Where everyone gathers, so you can gather information about them by socializing.
  4. The most isolated place you can find – you don’t want to seem rude by leaving, but you don’t want to socialize unless you have to.

5. You have been given four places to sleep in. Where do you choose to spend the night?

  1. A coffin.
  2. In the trees.
  3. The most comfortable place you can find.
  4. Anywhere.

6. Someone came in and took your favorite book! What do you do?

  1. Sneak in and get it back.
  2. Demand the return of the book or you’ll make them feel sorry for taking it in the first place.
  3. Plot their death behind their backs quietly.
  4. Do nothing – you can always get another copy of the book if you don’t already have multiple ones.

7. You’re going on a trip around the world! Who do you take?

  1. Your family, because they are close and important to you.
  2. No one – you want to go about this journey alone.
  3. Your enemies, so you can pick them off one by one
  4. Everyone you can afford to bring with you.

8. In a group, you are most like:

  1. The Action Taker.
  2. The Observer.
  3. The Plotter.
  4. The Diplomat.

* Drum roll *

My result is ;

If you choose mainly Bs (or 2s), you are a soul eater

You enjoy being alone most of the time and left alone to your own devices. Your mere presence intimidates those around you; they steer clear away from you, but you’re okay with that! The fewer the number of people getting close to you, the better off they, and you will be. You might seem emotionless to some, but you are full of thought and emotion – you don’t show it often.

Looks quite accurate ! 

Have you played along ? If so which one did you get ?