5 books and their french translations (#3; LGBTQ+)

5 books and their french translations (#3; LGBTQ+)

Good morning, Happy pride !! 🥰

I’m a native french speaker, and as I prefer to read in French aswell as having found some french bloggers to follow, it happens that I see books translated that i’m used to see in their english counterpart.. and every. time. it just feels wierd to me 😅

Some are only a change in wording to be translated in French while the cover remains unchanged.. while some do get a revamp of the cover entirely. In the first installment, we’ve seen books that I had read/wanted to read, without a particular theme.. The second was in theme of AAPI heritage month, and today we are looking at LGBTQ+!


♢ The meaning of birds [GR]
Let’s start with the prettiest one we got! Ususally it’s the opposite, so i’m actually pretty impressed with this one 😍 They kept the hummingbird theme here, but went for a pretty pastel palette instead.

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♢ The prince and the dressmaker [GR]
Another one where the french cover is just WAY more pretty for once; We lost sight of the prince, the colors are so much more vibrant.. and I do like the poses they’ve been given to the characters!

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♢ Stranger than Fanfiction [GR]
A different take on the roadtrip element here, but I gotta say I do prefer the sunglasses with the road seeable through them.

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♢ Only mostly devastated [GR]
I didn’t liked the english cover of this one; so having a cartoon-type cover of both MCs is much more pretty to me, aswell as being more inpar with the story.

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♢ In the dream house [GR]
Now my biggest dissapointment for last.. just- WHAT IS THIS?! The english cover is so intricate and gorgeous!! and.. we got this atrocity 😬

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Which covers did you preffered?
Which LGBTQ+ book is your favorite?

2 thoughts on “5 books and their french translations (#3; LGBTQ+)

  1. Oh, I definitely prefer the covers of the French editions for The prince and the dressmaker and The Meaning of Birds! Those are gorgeous! And I like how for Stranger Than Fanfiction they added the words along the road, that is such a cool design. Plus, I also love seeing the French titles.

    1. Happy to hear! Sadly this one was quite hard to put together as mainly all new releases didnt had a translation yet 😅

      Right?!! Love it when we get prettier versions!! Doesnt happen too often ahah

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