A change in Christmas miracles?

A change in Christmas miracles?

I’ll admit that i’m currently reading my first holiday book, but i’ve watched enough Christmas movies (as it’s mom’s favorite) to know that the ending’s “miracle” is always on love and/or family.

Of course Christmas as a holiday is a family oriented one, aswell as the people we love.. but it would be nice to have something a bit different…


The last holiday movie that I watched was «The princess switch.. switched again», and I absolutely cried after watching it after I got alone. My current read «10 Blind dates» also have the permanant aspect of family present — a rather big one that does remind me of my own. Although the story would not go down that way if it was me within my own family .. *aherm*


While my birthday is on December 27th, thus making me a Christmas baby, the holiday itself makes me a little sad sometimes. I know i’m not the only one not really having a family and/or celebrations; nor do I have it the worst, as I do have my parents & my dogs and they’re being good to me. While i’m truly grateful, it still hurt nonetheless; I wish you could go to whoever was in charge and say “Erhm excuse me! This family isn’t working properly- may I get an exchange?” 🤣 

Alas that’s not how it works.. give me some different schenarios;


  • Someone struggling with their mental health getting their life back on track
    (NOT romantized, please.)
  • Someone on an organ transplant waitlist getting that precious call
    bonus point if on international waitlist rather than the national one, like mother was.
  • Family based.. but including or solely based on that human/animal bond
    Okay, we can’t never have enough of thoses.. Give me a lonely human having it’s life changed by an animal, or a person being saved by an animal (physical or psychological), etc..
  • Any good deed(s) from an absolute stranger switching one’s life around for the better
    bonus point if it’s something ridiculously small.. or if on the internet. 



Any other different “Holiday miracles” stories you’d wanna see?
Do you have any recs for me?