A to Z Bookish tag~

A to Z Bookish tag~

Helloo !

Thank you to Sha at moonlight pages for tagging me for this one, I see some harder questions on there so let’s see how I do .. hahah

Each questions start with a letter of the alphabet, from A going all the way to Z – hence the name of that tag. I originally thought we were to give a book for each letter .. *cough* 

Here’s the questions! ;

♥ Author you’ve read the most books from;

Guillaume Musso. A french author of thrillers, I have two of his on my tbr shelf and have read almost all of his novels since I devellopped my love of his work when was in high school.


♥ Best Sequel Ever

I don’t read series, remember ? so I don’t have an answer for this one hah ..


♥ Currently Reading

Technicly nothing at the moment, but I shall start my arc of The heart between us by Lynsay Harrel


♥ Drink of Choice While Reading

Water, or coffee.


♥ E-reader or Physical Book?

I have a tad prefference for physical.. but The heart between us is my first Ebook, so let’s see how I find that. Definitely more handy to read in bed however, i’ll give it that.


♥ Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School

WILL ! My love since I read Sweet things, from renée Carlino


♥ Glad You Gave This Book A Chance

This can go for all the books that I read .. but for the sake of this one and the next one not having the same answers, i’ll go for I was there by Gayle forman ! I saw quite some negative reviews and wasn’t too sure if I wanted to read anymore xD Glad I did, I shed some tears.


♥ Hidden Gem Book

So, like the previous question, alot can be said here. As I read translations and mostly Quebec french books, what I read is not really talked about alot.. The black birds sings at dusk from Linda Olsson was an eye opener for me; oooh how I loved that book..


♥ Important Moment in Your Reading Life

Creating my WordPress blog ! Sure I started on tumblr but, upon joining twitter & discord reading groups, which lead me to here.. I found a loving community ! one where I feel like I belong (even with my odd readings.. ha!) and they’ve been so supportive and loving .. I love each and every one of them; Thank you so much for everything .. 💝​


♥ Just Finished;

In the dark dark wood by ruth ware. Which I just posted the review of ! She left me on the butt … I was NOT planning that darn ending .. which is a good job as it’s a psychologic thriller.


♥ Kinds of Books You Won’t Read

Like Sha, im not much a fan of 3rd person view. I NEED to feel as I’m the one doing the action .. I want a “I’m telling you my story” kinda feels .. also not a historic/non-fiction kinda gal either ..


♥ Longest Book You’ve Read

Okay let’s see … One day, by David Nicholls, at 691 pages before the “thanks page” (?? is that how it’s called ?)


♥ Major Book Hangover because of

Sweet things. (my review’s already linked up in another question..) this book was SO good. that I had alot of DNF after it x) .. it set the bar up too high ahaha


♥ Number of Bookcases You Own

yeeeah, only one for now ..


♥ One Book You Have Read Multiple Times

Love Virtually from Daniel Glattauer, I read it for the 4th time last year in 2017 (welp.. that sounds odd to say… ) I don’t know what it is from it .. but man I first read it in 2012 and instantly falled in love.


♥ Preffered Place to Read 

Anywhere that my wieners can be on my lap !

In my bed, on the couch, outside .. I just need my reading buddies (which also make them heat pads.. kind of ahahah)


♥ Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

This.. This one from “I was There”; Upon reading it I stopped for a moment, reread like 5 times, took a picture.. sent it to a friend, Gr / tumblr :

« – Do you know why my dad (a priest) qualify suicide as a sin?

– Because it’s a murder, I sighed, because only God have the right to decide when your time has come. Because stealing a life is stealing God.

I only repeated like a parakeet the horrors that people have said on Meg’s case. Richard shrugged his head, however.

– No. because it kills the hope. That’s what’s a sin. Everything that kills the hope is one. »


♥ Reading Regret

I don’t really have any ? I’m very meticulous, and maybe way too much, when picking my books.. so well, I won’t pick anything I know I won’t like.


♥ Series You Started and Need To Finish (all books are out in series)

None 😅 as we know, I don’t even touch series. (let’s not think about that one or two I have on my tbr; the 1st of a serie and the 3rd of another .. ssht)


♥ Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books;

– “Quand souffle le vent du nord” aka “Love Virtually” by Daniel Glattauer.

– “On fait l’amour, on fait la guerre”, by the canadian french from Quebec author Mélanie Leblanc..

“On regrettera plus tard” by Agnès Ledig (from france)


♥ Unapologetic Fangirl for

… Sweet Things, again. I just adored that book, okay ? *insert rolly eyes here*


♥ Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others

Nada, sure I saw some that looked good and I would had love to read! but as I haven’t verified if i’m good to read in english yet, im not overly excited for anything as I can be for video games, let’s say.


♥ Worst Bookish Habits

mmmmh…. id say reading in the middle of the night ? Not *THE* worst but ehh, I can’t think of anything xD and well, being an insomniac, it can last long enough ..


♥ X Marks the Spot: Start at the Top Left of Your Shelf and Pick the 27th book

omg .. 😂 falled on Sweet things … again ! 


♥ Your Latest Book Purchase

If I remember well, it was 13 reasons why that I got at walmart at 40% off .. haven’t bought anything else yet, although I have a gifcard to indigo chapters..


♥ ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you WAY late)

ruth ware’s that I just finished .. Not only did I finished it at 2am, but I was SO. PSYCHED. by it ..


Well, that wasn’t so bad 🙂 Now onto the tagging .. not sure who has done it or not ; but i’d like to tag Bluestocking bookworm (bookworm_blue), Lauren (northenplunder) .. and anyone else who want to !

* if you were tagged and you don’t want to or already did, im sorry 😅 feel free to ignore ! xx